Benji Lanyado’s Next Twitrip is heading to The Hague

Benji is the one who invented the Twi Trip, a trip solely inspired by suggestions from your Twitter followers. The ultimate Twitrip off course was the Twitchhiker adventure.

I was reading Benji’s tweet today and clicked to his write up and landed on this page:

There is no photo-shopping here other than me highlighting 2 ads. This is simply a nifty way of Booking to cookie based address their targeted audience and not one but two ads are hinting to our Haagsche Suites clickeable to the site as an idea for a stay over in The Hague. Idea for you Benji? The Guardian seems to say so:-)


So I tweeted this post to Benji:

Whereupon he answered:

I’m sure he will end up in The Hague on one of his TwiTrips one day:-)

16 C’s to Consider when Blogging and Engaging in Social Media

Today Yesterday I had the honor to give a presentation for 60 something hoteliers and OTA ppl at the Hotel Website Marketing conference in Amsterdam about how a blog can be a hotelier’s best friend.

I’ll upload the presentation later, but my wrap up was: 16 C’s to keep in mind when blogging and engaging in Social Media:

  1. Be Creative.
  2. Use Common Sense.
  3. Always be and remain Courteous
  4. and Considerate
  5. Get and keep Contact with your audience
  6. Connect with your audience
  7. Have Conversations
  8. Comment sensibly wherever possible
  9. Provide Content, Content and Content
  10. Within it’s own Context (subject and time frame)
  11. Be Controversial when necessary or fitting
  12. In other words: Captivate your audience
  13. And look for all opportunities to Convert lookers into bookers.
  14. Be Consistent in what you do.
  15. Co-operate with as many parties as possible
  16. Continue practicing all mentioned before.
  17. Update
    As per the comments:

  18. Be Curious (which should be number 1) Thank you Claude, as ever
  19. Don’t forget to Coordinate your web 2.0 efforts
  20. Last year I started with only 6 C‘s when I wound down from the 2009 PhocusWright ITB Berlin bloggers meeting.

    I’m reasonably sure that before the end of 2010 I’ll be able to enhance this to 20 C‘s.

    I’m not sure as to number 12. Should it be Captivate or Capture, or could Capture be a separate C? Then I would have reached 19 already.

    Update 2
    I would like to have a nice Letter C above this post. I searched for one and found this letter C which is now above the post. By pure Coincidence the same C was used for a post from The Seven “C”s of Social Interaction by @Larry Hawes

Folkert de Jong in the Groninger Museum

Visited the Groninger Museum, which in itself is worthwhile a trip.

Circle of Trust. Folkert de Jong. Selected Works 2001-2009. In the Groninger Museum from Groninger Museum on Vimeo.

Folkert the Jong has a solo exhibition there. According to those “in the know” Dutch artist Folkert de Jong is going to make it!

Keukenhof Opens Today – 2010 Theme From Russia with Love

Today the 2010 Keukenhof open air flower exhibition will be officially opened by Mrs Svetlana Medvedeva, wife of the President of the Russian Federation, in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands.

The theme for the 2010 will be From Russia with Love.

Seven million flower bulbs have been planted in the 32 hectare park to ensure that the 2010 Keukenhof flower exhibition can be experienced in all its glory.

The park will be open to the public from Thursday 18 March up to and including Sunday 16 May 2010. When closing its gate it is expecting 850.00 visitors from all over the world will have admired it.

BTW the best time to visit it is either very early from 8.00 AM or after 3.00 PM when the buses loaded with tourists will have left. It is open till 7.30 PM, but be sure you enter before 6.00 PM when the ticket office closes.

As the Keukenhof is situated half way between Amsterdam and The Hague, you might as well consider to stay in Haagsche Suites🙂

Liz Strauss at WordCamp NL

If you have some time, check this video out. Liz knows a thing or two about networking.