Quote of the Day (12): … Happens

Well, It seems to happen….
Dreaming of being someone – Happens | Incredimazing

Dutch Design (39): Faux-Cardboard or Clochard Duvet Covers – Luxury for the Homeless


We have seen myriads of faux trends for accessories and home furnishing, faux-wood, faux-leather or faux-fur, you name it.


Luxury Faux-Cardboard Duvet Covers
Dutch copywriter Peggy van Neer, has not only created a great bed linen design, but also a way of marketing it Eco consciously. She opened the site Snurkbeddengoed (“which means as much as “Cool Snoring Bed Linen”). A significant part (40%) of the sales proceeds of the “Le Clochard” duvet cover go to a Dutch foundation for the young homeless. It uses the proceeds to fund housing projects which create jobs and education opportunities for the young Dutch homeless.


Hotels that would use this bed linen could claim to be (a bit) more environmentally conscious.


The cardboard lookalikes are made of 100% soft combed cotton and available in three sizes from Dutch By Design.

Via 2Modern Design Talk – Modern Furniture & Design Blog: Faux-cardboard Duvet Cover.

Wow! Man Fly like an Eagle!

Found this amazing footage of Man flying like an Eagle via a Twit (vernacular for a communication via Twitter) from Elliot of Elliott Dot Org:

Something to do when you’re really adventurous:

BASE jumping was around for quite some time. But now the BASE jumpers have taken their folly one step further: Wingsuit Base jumping. Using a suit with wings and soar along as close as you can dare to the mountain.


Photo Plugin Galore: First Try – Two 12 ft Dinghies in Love

The new WordPress 2.7 version makes it much easier to find Plugins. I had a project on my back burner for which I need a decent Photo or Gallery Plugin.

I have shown already some interest here for Yachts and Yachting. I have not divulged yet that I used to be an avid dinghy sailor and used to race dinghies as well. Alas ever since I ventured into our Hotel business, my own clinker built 12 foot Dinghy dating back from 1944, is stored safely without much attention lately. I’m even not sure my old stiff legs will be able to endure a regatta anymore.

On the original date of this post I used a plugin, Tylr Slidr enabling me to show you a couple of photos that I uploaded recently, but took in 2005 in Venice during the Biennial of 2005. There I found two Italian 12 ft Dinghies in the Arsenal. They were berthed opposite each other and were giving each other signs with lamps. It was an Art installation. A sort of act of love. Very poetic and I would never have thought of such use of two old dinghies in a basin that was used for maintenance of submarines.

The Artist, Laura Belem, born in 1974 in Bele Horizonte and working there, was able to make this installation with the help of a stipend from the Ministry of Culture of Brazil.

The 12ft Dinghy is a typical One Design Class. It was designed in 1913 by George Cockshott, an amateur boat designer from Southport, Lancashire, who won a competition organized by the Boat Racing Association (BRA). The BRA wanted a new sailing dinghy that would also serve as a yacht tender, and Cockshott’s design with its single, high-peaked lugsail fitted the bill.

It became an IYRU Dutch Class in 1914 and an International Class in 1920. It was even used for sailing competitions in the Olympic Games of Antwerp of 1920 and of Amsterdam of 1928. In 1920 they sailed on the North Sea with a lot of wind. The gold medal was won by the Dutch brothers Jan Hin and Frans Hin. In the 60ies I had the honor to sail against Jan Frans Hin – well, competing …. actually it was more of looking to his backside:-) The Silver medals were also won by two Dutchman (Van der Biesen and Beukers). In Amsterdam in 1928, on an inland lake near Amsterdam with not much wind, the medal winners were all of Scandinavian origin: 1)The Swede Sven Thorel, 2) Norwegian Henrik Robert and 3) The Fin B. Broman.

Recently we saw the International 12 ft Dingy class association being incorporated.
There are still several fleets:

  • In The Netherlands there is a fleet of over 200 active enthusiasts,
  • North Germany has fleets mainly around Lubeck and Hamburg,
  • Italy has several fleets and is very active,
  • To my knowledge there are also fleets in the UK, Japan, Switzerland and Turkey.

Dutch compete in Italy and in Germany. Japanese and Italians come to The Netherlands for a race sometimes. The class becomes more and more international nowadays, 95 years after it’s creation. Amazing huh?

I found a PDF file with 2007 draft Class rules in English at the site of an Italian Fleet.

This exercise in nostalgia was just to test this plugin and it seems to be what I needed for this post, although the loading of the whole seems a bit slow. What would you think? [Added: And sadly it didn’t work out as anticipated]

Added January 5, 2008: The next Slideshow of the same photos is as per the advice of Heather from Heather on her Travels and used by her at a slideshow of the Turtle Fountain in Rome. It loaded a lot easier, and was also very easy to copy and paste into your blog, but has not the full screen view mode as the other plugin….Thanks Heather! [Update: Unfortunately Slideshow has closed down]

Added July 14, 2009
Oops When I reviewed this article there appeared some hiccups and parts of the post including the two slide shows simply disappeared completely. Grrr recovering it from previous revisions must be done piece by piece as apparently a later update of WordPress (or the theme) seems to garble text into executable code…. done…it was the link to the Swiss fleet that did it!. Those Swiss:-)

Added November 9, 2009
Since this post I’ve had to delete the plugin. We now are waiting for the 2.9 version of WordPress, wich has been promised will handle media much better than it does prsently.

Added March 11, 2012
It appears Slideshow has closed its doors permanently as of March 6, 2012. Revisiting the site of Heather learned me she has now incorporated a Google + thingy…I’ll put this on the back burner for a while to look into it further.

WordPress Update to 2.7

In case you’ve seen strange things happen here. I was just in the process of upgrading to WordPress 2.7.
Pff…. All seems intact.
I Kept only 3 themes to switch to and from. See the side bar. Need to update some items of the the Newspaper theme and will than be ready…

BTW I’m testing a Polls widget. Please be so kind to answer my poll which of the three themes you like best?
[poll id=”2″ type=”result”]