Quote of the day (16): A Food Designer is…

“A food designer is somebody working with food, with no idea of cooking”

Inga Knölke, 1999

Via Food-Designing.com

Human Holes in Security

Sometimes, when public transport connections are worse than the direct distance between our hotel and the place the guest has to be, I offer them transport in our own limo.

So done this morning. The guest had to be at a very highly secured Dutch Government building. There was a line up of cars in front of the gate. Two security guards were standing at the gate. Every car driver had to show his security badge for a reader in order to open the gate. I had to stop outside the gate and my guests had to go out and let their credentials be verified inside the gate house. Apparently the security reader was not functioning very well. When I was waiting I saw the security guards use their own badge to open the gate for several car drivers in order to keep the line up as small as possible.

I just thought: “I could have been inside already with a copy of a security badge and this kind guard’s cooperation”

Twitterlists made me Change my Twitter Habits

Last year, when Twitter still was a hype, I admit, for some time I auto followed new followers – no I never did Auto DM.

I did so because I was influenced by Twitter guru Guy Kawasaki, who took the position that you never know who is the one who follows you and then you better auto follow them, because you have the possibility to DM your followers. In addition having as many followers would bring you fame…. Sometimes, yes I admit, I even played the #FollowFriday or #FF play.

I’ve now come to the conclusion that Twitter better be about less followers, because so many types are cluttering my screens with nonsense, not wanted stuff, or stuff I’m not interested in at all.

So a couple of days ago I started manually un-following many types with many followers. Alas I have to do it manually as automatic un-following is not allowed anymore by the Twitter rules of engagement as of Mid January 2010.

After a couple of tweets wherein I notified those I un-followed that I’d labeled them for #UnfollowFriday I stopped, because it created discussions about why I was un-following them.I also realized my “real interesting and maybe interested” followers might get bored with such tweets.

I also stopped, because, while doing the un-follow, I found out that you can keep someone on a list without following them. This gave me the opportunity to create an #UnfollowFriday list. At present the list counts 111. Soon it will count more.

The funny thing is that while I have hit 7,700 followers last week. I’m presently at 7,649 followers and rapidly heading down. So just to document my all time high on twitter I placed the counter picture her. Clearly the Twitter inflated egos are leaving my Twitter ship by their own (auto) un-follow measures:-) Bye Bye to them! Looking forward to more interesting Tweets!

What is your take?

Update February 27, 2010

I’ve just once more had a look to the unfollow list and deleted it. Experiment closed. No more fun and just unfollowing is much easier:-)

And here is what Twitter Karma says:

On January 15, 2010, Twitter instructed us to remove the “bulk unfollow” capability of Twitter Karma as it has been determined to violate their Automation Rules and Best Practices. We have done so in order to comply with their request. We apologize to you, our users, for having to make this change, but hope you will understand it is outside of our control.

Happy FilmGirl’s new classic Beetle

Just an intermezzo. DD#1 AKA FilmGirl, yes the one who I am bugging from time to time to write about her hotel experiences as she flies around the world constantly an whose one hotel review she once wrote for this blog I deleted by accident when I moved server for the blog, just emailed me this photo of her birthday present from her BF. “Now isn’t that some boyfriend!” I told her.

10 Questions For (32): Constance Hage from Shoppen Blogo

Today I like to introduce Constance Hage, a Dutch flight attendant who blogs in the Dutch language, but who, as a flight attendant, knows her part of traveling and who will like my wife’s fave quote: “When in Doubt, Do Buy!”


1) Who Are You?
I’m Constance Hage. I’m married, no kids but we have 2 cats. Furthermore I’m working as a flight attendant with KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) for more than 23 years now. I have also worked at travel agencies (VakantiExperts in Bilthoven, World of Tui and D-Reizen). I’m the author of: Shoppen.Blogo.nl and LadyGadgets.Blogo.nl. I’ve also (co)authored the blogs Stewardess.Blogo.nl and Vakantie.Blogo.nl.

2) What do you like about what you do?
Since I was a little girl I wanted to become a flight attendant/ [Ed. in proper “Dutch”:]stewardess, because I wanted to ‘discover’ the world and am still enjoying my job. And my job as main editor of my websites is something totally different and I love the diversity between the 2 jobs.

3) What don’t you like about what you do?
Sometimes passengers can become very aggressive and/or very drunk and that is something nobody likes (passengers and crew) and also people, nowadays, are very afraid that they miss out of something and then they can become very unreasonable.
And as a writer it’s sometimes hard to write an article when you are having a ‘writers-block’ or when you are under time pressure and you don’t have any inspiration at all.

4) Please tell us all about your blog and your aims with it.
My most successful blog is Shoppen.Blogo.nl. It’s tailored especially for women. It’s about shopping in general and I write about fashion, shoes, make-up, shops and lots more. I started it almost 5 years ago.

About 2 years ago I was asked to take over LadyGadgets.Blogo.nl from an other lady, because she didn’t have enough time anymore. Because I like gadgets, it was a nice challenge for me. It’s about all sorts of gadgets for ladies and that can be about a vibrating mascara, to a digital camera or a mobile phone and lots more.

I used to write/edit also 2 other travelblogs: Stewardess.Blogo.nl and Vakantie.Blogo.nl.
These blogs still exist [Ed: But ceased to exist since the publication of this interview] but will not be updated anymore. Stewardess.blogo.nl is about all kind of information of how to become a stewardess/flight attendant.
I stopped writing Vakantie.Blogo.nl when I quit my job at the travel agency almost 2 years ago. I wrote about the more luxury holidays, and that was not always in a 5* hotel, but also in a nice tent in Africa or a special resort at a beach resort.
And there was also an other reason: I had no time anymore to maintain 4 blogs.

Constance’s hubby enjoys penguin love  in the Falklands

5) Your top destination experiences you’ve ever stayed to date and why?
1. Antarctica: In 2007 my husband and I were having our 12,5 years wedding anniversary and my biggest wish was to go to Antarctica. And we really made a beautiful trip from Ushuaia to the Antartica Pensinsula and we went back via the Falkland Islands, Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro. The trip was 3 weeks. We love to go back again and then we would like to start our trip in Australia or New Zealand and make a so called semi-circumnavigation. These trips always end in Ushuaia.

2. Africa and especially South Africa/Botswana/Tanzania and Kenya. We love to go on safari’s and we go at least once a year for 10/12 days. And the part we love about going on safari is that you are outdoors and enjoying all the animals you normally can see at the zoo or on television. And in the beginning you only want to see the ‘big 5’ but now (as we have been already on many safari holidays) we also enjoy little birds and insects. We would like to follow a game ranger course one day.

3. City trips to all kinds of city around the world but my favorite city is New York. This city really vibrates and is always different. If I could afford it, I would love to live for a few month in Manhattan. An other city that I also love is Shanghai, a very modern and hip city as well.

6) Your top accommodations you’ve ever stayed to date and why?
In random order:

Pangkor Laut Resort at Pangkor Laut/Malaysia. We stayed at the waterbungalows and every morning when I was taking my shower the monkey’s were watching my from the trees and the dolphins were jumping out of the water. It was really a dream.

Aleenta resort at Hua Hin/Thailand. This resort has only a few small houses at a private beach. The bungalows at the beach have also their own plungepool and a outdoor shower. The staff can serve all the meals and drinks at our bungalow but from the small restaurant you have a beautifull view over the area and the sea. You can relax but also following cooking/yoga or thai chi lessons.

Pole Pole resort at Mafia Island/Tanzania. We went there after a safari trip in Selous Area (Tanzania) and the island is very small and you can’t imagine that you have a resort there Ralph Lauren style. But it’s there and it’s really amazing. The sea is in front of your lodge and the food and wine is fantastic. We also had a bbq on a dry sandbank and you can do amazing snorkeling.

7) Your top most memorable food / wine experiences to date and why?
3* Michelin restaurant De Librije in Zwolle. We have diner there 2 times a year (with my husband’s birthday and with mine) and every time we are treated like we come there weekly. The staff is superfriendly and the food is superb and every time we come there totally different.

House of Nanking in San Francisco. This is the best Chinese restaurant I have ever eaten. Every afternoon and evening people are standing in line to get in. Just ask the owner to the speciality of the day and tell him what you don’t like and you get some super dishes. The atmosphere is of plastic tables and when you have finished eating you must leave right away, but it’s all worth it.

Restaurant Shintori in Shanghai. This is really a trendy hotspot in Shanghai.The food is fushion Japanese and always have twist. You can share all the dishes so you can taste a few because there are so many good dishes to choose from. And afterwards you can go to the neighbor (same owner) for a nice after diner cocktail.

8) Your worst destination/ accommodation /food experiences to date and why?
What I really ‘hate’ is when you ask in a restaurant if they can’t put any coriander in my food, that when it arrives it’s in my food anyway. (I’m allergic to coriander so I really can’t eat it.) And that happens aspecially in India, Thailand and Mexico because they love this spice!

An other thing I really hate are pillows and mattresses that are to soft and don’t give any support. So I always bring my own pillow with me.

And of course dirty bathrooms/toilets/sheets with still some small curly hairs on them, brrrr.

9) Can you offer the readers destination/ food / accomodation / things to do tips about the city you are currently living in?
I live in Amersfoort. This city has celebrate it’s 750th birthday last year, so it’s quite old with a lot of old buildings and museums as well.

In the summer (from April until November) you can make 5 different tours through the canals and on 1 tour you can even take your (rented) bike with you. We also have a fabulous Zoo with an African area and a dino park from the smaller kids.

We have 7 museums and the most famous one is the Museum of Piet Mondriaan, the Mondriaanhouse. This famous painter is also born in Amersfoort. And if you are interested in the history of Amersfoort you must go to museum Flehite.

To have a good diner in Amersfoort we have few good restaurants:
1* Michelin restaurant De Saffraan, were you have diner in the Amersfoort harbor on an old boat. The chef used to work at De Librije.
Restaurant Tollius, this restaurant cooks Italian style, but they don’t have a menu card. They tell you the menu of the day and you tell want you can’t eat or don’t like and then the menu is adjusted.
Restaurant Perron 4/5, this restaurant is at platform 4/5 of the Amersfoort railway station, so you dine around departing and arriving trains. The food is Italian style, but very basic like pasta/penne and carpaccio.

10) Any Question(s) you’d expected me to ask that you would like to answer?

Are there any destinations were you haven’t been yet?
Yes, I have never been to New Zealand, because KLM doesn’t fly to New Zealand

Do you still have a travel wish list?
Absolutely! I have a very long wish list but I will stick to the top 3 😉

  1. I would love to go to Churchill (Canada) to see the polar bear and I like go to the North Pole.
  2. I also would like to go by cruise ship from Southhampton to New York and make a world cruise one day.
  3. Furthermore on my wish list is a fly-in cruise to Botswana and Namibia.

Iceland’s West Coast. Also a nice trip!

My Take:


Thank you Constance!

That first photo of you says it all: Shop and Blog till You Drop!. I’ve hesitated whether to ask you to take the interview, because you dropped travel blogging as you explain. However, shopping is a swell thing to do when ladies are traveling. Many ladies even just travel to shop. In addition you have promised me to write occasionally for this blog, time permitting 🙂

BTW Constance is the lady who took my place in a blogger tour to Iceland and ended up in an earthquake without even noticing it:-)