Groningen and Valencia: America's Cup by Louis Vuitton post # 10

In Groningen, one of the smaller Dutch cities up north in the Netherlands, the Dutch Junior (under 21) soccer team beat the Serbian team and won the European Junior Soccer Championship.

In Valencia The Swiss beat the Kiwis in the first best of nine Sailing Match over the America’s Cup with 35 seconds Delta.

New five star Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam opened

Amrâth Exterior
Amrâth Exterior

On June 8, 2007, only a couple of months later than planned, the new five star Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam opened in the beautiful historic Art Deco building, the “Scheepvaarthuis” (The Shipping Companies’ Building) once belonging to the rich Amsterdam shipping companies.

The shipping companies have long disappeared, and their ships no longer proudly sail the oceans of the world. But the Scheepvaarthuis still stands, completely intact, as a beautiful monument to those times.The romance of the sea and the building’s creators can still be seen and admired, given shape in authentic materials of the time.Within this space and ambiance, a grand five-star hotel is being created with all the respect due to the monumental beauty of the building. It is a new lease of life for the Scheepvaarthuis! The grandeur of the past is being combined with modern-day comfort and luxury – technically perfect and benignly comfortable. The guests are accommodated in the past as well as the present – in a unique artwork as well as the most
beautiful luxury hotel in modern-day Amsterdam.

So far the quote.

It has 160 rooms and 15 suites which will be available as of December 2007. It is located on walking distance of the Central Station and has some beautiful views on the Historic Shipping quarter with the still active Dutch Royal Marine basis (yes blocked out on Google Maps) and the

Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam
Dutch Historic Shipping Museum wit “Amsterdam” replica

Historic Shipping Museum of Amsterdam with its replica of the VOC (Dutch East India Company) trader “Amsterdam”. Alas, for the time being the shipping museum is closed due to an extensive renovation.
Last edited by GJE on December 5, 2011 at 5:09 pm

Valencia: Louis Vuitton Cup – America's Cup post # 9

Sad! This will be my last post about the 2007 Louis Vuitton Cup. We are now 1/2 hour in the fifth race. The Kiwis have won 4 races already. They only need one more win. They are approximately 100m in the lead in the second leg of this fifth race. I think it highly unlikely they will give up this winning position and so the Kiwis will be the LV Cup winners and will as challengers sail 9 races with the Swiss over the Auld Mug from June 23 through July 7.

Added June 7, 2007:

My feeling was correct.
Here the LV Cup is celebrated by the Kiwis after they walked over the Italians:

Valencia, 06 06 2007
Louis Vuitton Cup Finals
Louis Vuitton Cup Docking and Prize Giving.
©ACM 2007/Photo:Stefano Gattini

Valencia: Louis Vuitton Cup – America’s Cup post # 8

A few minutes ago Emirates team New Zealand has won the first of the best of 9 match races in the Louis Vuitton Cup Finale with a 45 m lead (only 8 seconds delta) over Italian Luna Rossa Team.

Austria: Schloss Velden, a Most Famous Hotel of the world reopened by a former associate of Bill Marriott on the move…

Could one have a better opening press release than one by Andreas Augustin himself? I don’t believe so.

Andreas is the man behind

Schloss Velden was officially opened on Sunday May 27 2007 with 7000 guests for the opening ceremony. On Monday May 28, 2007 it was opened for 300 guests who could have their first nap in this Castle originally dating back to 1590.

At the moment I write this I find it a bit strange there is no other form of communication about this opening on the sites:

  • of the hotel Cappella, Schloss Velden. Note the way the name is presented….and note its press page simply states:

    “Press Room…..We need information for this page. (sic!),

  • of the Management company Capella Hotels,

than a press release dated March 3, 2007…..

A Royally missed opportunity I would say in this Internet Millennium….

Rather than reiterating Andreas words, I will remain silent, until I have visited the place somewhere in the first half of 2008 and been able to look around and ride the Woerther Lake, preferably with this Boesch below….

Velden Boesch
Velden Boesch

BTW, I have asked former ultimate boss of Mr Horst Schulze who currently operates Capella and is a former COO of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, a Marriot subsidiary, i.e. Mr Bill Marriott, whether he would like to comment on this new venture of his former associate Mr Horst Schulze in his Blog Marriot on the move. Why? Because there is some scepsis in the world of travel Bloggers whether the Blog of Mr Marriott is a pure unbiased blog or a simple means of self promotion (proclamation?) of the Marriott on the move community.

Mr Marriott’s Blog’s “terms of use” state inter alia:

We will only post comments that are relevant and appropriate to the Marriott on the Move community. It may take a couple of days for your posting to appear, especially on weekends, or it may not be published at all. We may react to some comments either individually or as a cluster of comments on the same topic. While there is a possibility your comment may not be published at all, we truly hope by laying out the “rules of the road” we will avoid that from happening as much as possible. For example, a posting about a particular element of our service at many our hotels would be addressed on this blog. On the other hand, a posting that raises a specific issue or billing dispute may instead be referred to our Customer Care or another department, so we can work directly with you to resolve the issue. If you a have specific issue or billing dispute, please contact our Customer Care group at You should not assume that a posting on this blog constitutes notice to Marriott of any such matters or for any legal purposes.


The bottom line is that we want to hear from you – both the positive and negative!

Recently however they allowed a negative comment:

Posted By: matz (27/05/2007 10:16:28 PM)
Comment: Quite a blog you run. Everyone seems to love uncle Bill and the Marriott hotels. Why not, for the sake of honesty, publish less complimentary comments (my comments were ignored. I will find other venues outside the “family” As a lifetime platinum guest ,more recently a former guest who prefers to boycott your operation, I am highly insulted Your community service is admirable. Pay attention to your non-existing customer service

Let’s see what happens.

Update 1

My questiond disappeared unanswered from Mr Marriot’s blog.

Update 2

I was trying to weed out dead links in various posts and found out this:

We are sorry to inform you that Schloss Velden is no longer managed by Capella Hotels and Resorts. We hope, however, that you will choose to visit one of our other Capella Hotels.

Last edited by GJE on December 5, 2011 at 4:56 pm