The 2009 Winners of the Lonely Planet @LPlab Awards for Best Travel Blogs


Further to my anouncement:

It’s not now officially published (yet – at least as far as I know-), but. Matthew Cashmore of @LPlaps has twittered the results of the awards ceremony in Sf live.

  1. Best Destination Blog
    Go Visit Hawaii
  2. Best Expat Blog
    Notes from Spain
  3. Best Consumer Travel Blog
    Intelligent Travel – Nat. Geographic
  4. Best Travelogue
    World In Slow
  5. Best non-English Travel Blog
  6. Best Spanish Language Blog
  7. Best French Language Blog
  8. Best Italian Language Blog
  9. Best Micro-blogging
  10. Best Video Blog
  11. Best Themed Blog
  12. Best Image Blog
  13. Best Group Authored Blog
  14. Best Podcast:

and the over all 2009 Lonely Planet award for Best Travel Blog is for:

Congratulations to all winners! And: Tough for all losers, but you’re all great!

Note: if you compare these results with the outcome of the public voting round, it is clear that the judges really did have something to say in this procedure.

Wow Wine Tasting: A 1918 Vosne Romanée

1918 Vosne Romanee tasted March 24, 2009 P1040197
Richard delicately uncorking the 1918 Vosne Romanée

In my post Happy Hotelier is now a WSet Level 2 Intermediate Wine Connoisseur I promised to blog more about wine. However I have decided to reserve many posts about wine and wine tasting I have in my sleeve for publication in the newly to be established blog of Haagsche Suites itself, as most of the tasting takes place there.

From the persons who took the WSet Intermediate Course last spring together with me, we have formed a little wine tasting group to gain more experience in wine tasting. Last Tuesday we started our series of monthly wine tastings for this year.

1918 Vosne Romanee tasted March 24, 2009 P1040198
Color approximation with flash…a bit orange.

In the meantime various of us, including me had been following the Wset Advanced Course. I couldn’t take part in the exams and most likely I won’t take part in the exams of the Advanced Course anymore. Partly this is due to time constrictions, but also to my disappointment with the level of teaching in the Advanced Course. As passionate as the teachers of the Intermediate Course were, so dispassionate the teachers of this Advanced Course were. Many of the group that participated in this course didn’t pass the two part exam. The first part of the exam is theory and the second part is blind tasting one wine: You have to determine the grape variety or varieties and possibly the origin of the wine. Granted. Such exam should not be too easy, but the high percentage of failures, particularly for the theory part of the exams demonstrates to me that there is a huge disparity in the level of teaching and that what is expected from you at the exams. That combined with the fact that the teachers of the Advanced Course I followed belong to the top Dutch wine connoisseurs.

1918 Vosne Romanee tasted March 24, 2009 P1040199
Another color approximation without flash here you see there is a rim, but there are also still some red tones in the wine

Anyway we had invited Richard to take part in this tasting session and he surprised us at the end of the session with an unlabeled bottle of what was to be a 1918 Vosne Romanée.

Vosne Romanée is a small village in Gold Coast of French Burgundy, between Clos Vougeot and Nuits Saint George. Year and region were established with reasonable certainty by way of cellar records. The bottle came from a Wine auction.

The first photo shows Richard with the bottle. Very carefully he uncorks the bottle. The cork is still intact. We all breathlessly watch. You see the coffee filter ready for decanting. It turns out decanting is not necessary.

1918 Vosne Romanee tasted March 24, 2009 P1040200
A funny photo: The wine’s Soul

The wine was clear with some rim and had hardly any depot. Its color was red to orange brown.
It didn’t smell like a wine that was beyond drinking at all. It had some ripe cherry, a bit metallic tones. some mentioned chocolate. A complex nose.
It tasted like it smelled. Ripe cherry, a bit metallic, medium alcohol (we believe between 11 and 12 pct) and ripe tannins still there.
A complex wine and amazing that after 100 years it was so very drinkable.

I will enhance these preliminary tasting notes as soon as I get a copy from Lodewijk, who promised to take full notes.

The other red wines we tasted that evening were 4 German red Spätburgunder which is German for the French Pinot Noir grape.

It was a very good experience in the sense that you could smell and taste the same tones of those much younger wines in such old variant.

A real Wow tasting experience. Thanks Richard!

Connecting with your Guests

A post from my back burner (almost for two years now). I didn’t ditch it, because I see some analogies with destination marketing. In the present economic circumstances it is even more important to be able to think outside of the box.

The artist, Robert Arquer, does something with fish in a bowl. As any good modern artist his art inspires you to think…. Roger shows me various ways of thinking outside the box.

This project comprises fifteen different fish bowls that explore variations of the iconic image of a fish bowl.
Each piece examines a topic or suggests a solution to a different issue. In this project human qualities had been attributed to fish through the design. Thoughtful and yet playful

Under some of the photos (by Peter Mallet) I’ll give my own thoughts: Imagine you (or your accommodation or attraction) is the fish in the bowl…and your potential guests are out there…

Don’t piss me off

Do Not Piss Me Off, “tells us about the power to decide between the life and death of the fish”. This is very clear, also in a good economy you should never aggravate your potential guests.Those who threw the stop at you are your potential guests. But the most important message is: Go find them, because apparently they like you! Connect!


More or less the same idea: There are people out there who might fancy your accommodation or attraction. Go find them! They keep you afloat better although you might think you can swim on your own very well… If you don’t find them, you can hang yourself!


Do something surprising with your accommodation or attraction: It may attract those you need!

About Robert Arquer:

Roger Arquer was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1975. Graduated in Design at ESDI, Barcelona (1994-1998). A year after his graduation, he moved to New York City (1999-2003) to work as industrial designer. After New York, he moved to London to attend an MA in Design Products at the Royal College of Art (2003-2005). During the summer break in RCA he worked as designer in Zurich (Switzerland). He set up his own design practice in London after RCA.

Well done, Robert! Show us more of your work!

Via Dezeen | Fish Bowls

Twitter Romance? (#itb09 sequel)

Twitter Romance?
Yes it is there! You only have to have an eye for it!

The inspiration for this post started with a tweet from my Icelandic Twitter friend @Hjortur of Marketing Safari:


According to the Telegraph Jennifer Aniston has broken up with John Mayer,
because of his Twitter Addiction.

Whereupon I immediately answered: “She should have done this More Attention Please!“. (Due to some Twitter hiccups (as usual) the post itself is presently not available. Err not available in my Twitter stream, but I could find it back.) My post describes how a lady complains about the fact that her husband spends more time with his pc than with her. Reason why she has set up her own Blog and quotes:

My Blog with my nude pics receives more unique hits than the blog of my husband. This is my revenge. I wish he had more time for me than his PC

Quote from the famous Post Secret (10/12/2008 Sunday Secrets).
In the meantime Hjortur Retweets this:

And shortly thereafter this:

And Inga comments this

“Now why is this so Romantic?” You might ask

The answer is very simple – and I only realized it by checking out Inga after his retweet- : Hjortur is the Twittahholic of the family and Inga is his wife!

Imagine the long dark afternoons and evenings and nights in Iceland and a couple in one house: He with his pc and she with hers. Apparently Hjortur found the perfect solution for his addiction to Twitter and the possible impact that could have on his relation: He simply made his wife a Twitter aficionado herself and sometimes very romanticly twittering to each other. Moreoevr: if you read this post 15 years and 15 reasons of Inga about her relation with Hjortur, then you’ll know that Romance is okay with this couple.

“And what is the connection with #itb09?”
First: Hjortur would have loved to attend #itb09
Secondly: This couple in the same house tweeting romantically to each reminded me of the Bloggers Summit opening session at #itb09 where some 50 bloggers behind their laptops were twittering away to the whole world and each other, while they were introduced to each other. All of a sudden the moderator of the event suggested:”Maybe it is a good idea to look up from your computers screens and look at your neighbor and TALK rather than Tweet to him/her” which drew an Homeric laughter of the audience.

In the meantime I have suggested to Hjortur and Inga to start writing (or twittering) a Twitter Operette. She sings you know!

Some 20+ random Tips for Twittaholics

Happy Hotelier's Tweet Wheel
Happy Hotelier’s Tweet Wheel [The site is out of order since]

Twittoholics ?

Some claim Twitter is already over its top and some say it’s going to eat Google now that it has its own search facility…..I don’t know, but I do see Twitter becoming an ever growing source of (travel) information and (travel) inspiration for travelers and for myself in particular. So probably I’m a Twittoholic already.

Some 20+ Random Tips, Lists and Tools for Twittaholics

I’ve been looking around a bit, because as soon as you hit the magic 2000 Twitter cap – the number of people you can follow without Twitter blocking you until, as I understand it correctly, you have at least 90% of 2000, or more than 1800 followers yourself-, you will have to make decisions about who to follow and who not to follow on Twitter. In addition, the more followers you are getting, the more difficult it becomes to pinpoint a certain person if you want to share a certain piece of information with that person.

I’ve started to try and make my own Twitter Followers page manually by simply copying and pasting code from my followers page on Twitter. However I found out very soon that to be too time consuming. So I’ve looked for alternative ways to get some overview on Twitter. Better alternatives to get that overview is Friend or Follow (number 17 of the list) or Twitter Karma (number 11 of the list):

Not in a particular order, more in my usual hap snap way, here are some of my findings for you:

  1. If you’re new to Twitter look at this short video introduction: Twitter Introduction.
  2. Mashable posted Twitter Toolbox 60+Tools and Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools! and more on the Twitter Tools subject.
  3. i-Stuff… Interesting Stuff that Matters: Twitter has an ample series of posts about Twitter Tools with annotations.
  4. If you’re interested in the Top 100 Dutch Twitterati, you can find them at Top 100 Twittergids NL.
  5. The Dutch site Twittergids is helpful anyway to pinpoint Dutch Twitterati in several categories. In its Travel Section I occupy the second position for the moment.
  6. Kevin Rose posted 10 tips 10 Ways to increase your Twitter Following recently.
  7. The post Dirty Secret Increase Followers Twitter also has some good tips. There I found the best balancing tool to balance those who follow you and those you are following: Less Friends Com.
  8. Kidtech Guru published a list of top 3 Twitterati in various countries
  9. Ouside my Brain listed some of the funniest Tweets he knows.
  10. Then you have the “real” Twittaholic with 1,000 top Twitterati. A list I’m not (yet:-)) on.
  11. Twitter Karma does it for me for the moment as it gives you a quick overview of the Followers and those you are Following with an option to block follow or block unfollow.
  12. WeFollow is the latest trend. Seems to be a start up of one of the guys behind Digg. I proudly Twittered that I was number one under their Hotel tag, but was soon repositioned as the number 2:-). Its Hotelier tag counts only 3 hoteliers Its Travel tag presently counts 79 pages with 1,963 Travel Twitterati
  13. Maybe interested in the Austrian Top 100? I am. I found a cool cook there.
  14. Amsterdam Based Twitter Counter can be useful.
  15. With FriendorFollow you get a quick overview of your followers or those you follow. For balancing it is less handy than Karma because you’ll have to manually follow of unfollow.
  16. Twitter Grader is another useful ranking tool to monitor your fellow Twitterati On its Dutch List I’m number 36 today
  17. Tweetscan is fine
  18. See my next post: Give you beloved one a pc and teach him/her to Tweet, you might keep your relation in tact:-)
  19. Tweepi seems a decent tool to more or less mass unfollow people. I found it at Mashable in their Spring Cleaning post.
  20. Top 50 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools For further reference.

Last edited by GJE on January 2, 2017