Top 25 Travel Blogs of 102 ranked according to Alexa by Frothy

Top 25 Travel Blogs of 102  ranked by a another List lover Frothy blogs [ah had to delete the link as this is another member of my category “Dead Travel Bloggers Society” which I changed into Internet Graveyard later] according to Alexa with some need to of editing by me:

Blog/Company                                                        Alexa Rank
1  on my way to where                                                           8
3  Unforgettable Sydney                                                       8
4  Travel Blog                                                                   4,804
5  iWalk, u2?                                                                   73,398
6  Newyork Traveler                                                   92,771
7 Travel, Work, Life                                                     95,688
8 The BenSpark                                                           114,277
10 Emm in London                                                    129,292
11 Life of Justin                                                           147,325
12 Travel Blissful                                                        150,557
13 Extreme John Blog                                              160,683
14 Thailand Land of Smiles                                     171,848
15 Happy Hotelier                                                      181,641
16 Mimpikami                                                              195,432
17 Traveling Mamas                                                  201,648
18 Go green travel green                                          295,621
19 The Lost Boy                                                           334,111
20 My Trips                                                                  422,798
21 Irish Taxi                                                                 452,202
22 El Rinc?n de Edy                                                   488,528
23 Justwandering                                                       497,141
24 My Itchy Travel Feet                                         504,403
25 RengBA’s Terella                                                  505,561

It immediately demonstrates the relative weakness of this measuring method,  because the first 3 mentioned here are on Blogspot which is a site with millions of blogs….There are many more Travel Blogs on Blogspot. So when you go further with this without something else to measure you will end up with hundreds of Travel blogs ranking #8…..
I’ve added the category Internet Graveyard to this post as frothy passed away.
Last edited by GJE on March 11, 2012 at 1:02 pm

2009 The Hague Sculpture – Read My Lips

2009 The Hague Sculpture _MG_0007

On Tuesday June 9, 2009 I was present at the official opening of the 2009 The Hague Sculpture exposition by the Prime Minister of The Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende.
First there was a opening session in one of the oldest churches of The Hague, The “Kloosterkerk” (or church of the convent). The CEO of The Hague Sculpture , The Mexican Ambassador in The Hague, a trustee of The Hague Sculpture and some other persons held speeches. The Prime Minister got the first brochure of the exposition. Thereafter the company moved outside where the sculptures of Javier Marin were installed, for the official opening ceremony.

There the company stopped at the sculpture from which I took the above photo on beforehand. In a sequence of my photo’s there was an exchange between the CEO and Xavier Marin. I have made a small “video” of this exchange, because there are too many photo’s to present them all here on the blog. Look for yourself:

Picasa Video
I’m not so much a video person. It takes far too much time for me. But this little video (without sound) I could produce reasonably quick with Picasa 3, the free Google photo (management) program. Picasa is also very good for organizing many photo’s…I have approximately 20,000 and counting on my computer, deep sigh.

The Ceremony
Then there was the opening ceremony itself: The freeing of a bundle of balloons that, of course, partially got hung in the branches of the trees over the sculptures. How dumb!

20090609 The Hague Sculpture Official Opening _MG_0153

I have experimented in telling this little story via Twitter by uploading some of the pictures to Twitpic and then putting them together in Storytlr: [ Update: Originally there was a working link here, but unfortunately the Storytlr service has discontinued since March, 2010]


Unfortunately the thumbnails of Storytlr are a bit too unsharpened to make it a nice looking story. I don’t have a mobile telephone with a camera ( I prefer better quality photo’s of ordinary cameras, but it won’t be long and then the mobiles can compete with ordinary cameras), but it is clear to me that Storytlr is a nice app to spread a life stream story.

More photos of the exhibition on Flickr
If you are interested in more photos of The Hague Sculpture, I refer you to my Flickr Sets 2009 The Hague Sculpture and 2009 The Hague Sculpture – Official Opening on June 9, 2009

PS In the meantime I succeeded to upgrade the Worpress Version of this Blog to WP 2.8, which was a hell of a job, as I tried to cut corners.

Last edited by GJE on March 21, 2010 at 2:31 pm

10 Questions For (30): Wouter Blok of Easy To Book

Happy to present a Twitter Friend @Wouter Blok to you:


1) Who Am I according to…
My passport? Wouter Blok, born on the 4th of September 1979 in Heemstede, The Netherlands. Travels abroad on regular basis. Uses retina-scan Privium for fast custom passage and use of their excellent lounge on Schiphol. Trip details will follow in Q’s 5-9.
The Dutch Government? Wouter Blok, CMO of, in relationship with Anneloes Visser, flight attendant KLM, one son Bram(1), one child on the way (ETA mid July). Living in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Wouter could slow down a bit in traffic, considering his speeding tickets.
My colleagues? Marketing director, who leads the team that spends quite a bit, but every euro with good ROI. Loves to present, an ambitious young dog that is very eager to bring to the highest level possible.
My ex-colleagues? Sales guy that sells ice to Inuit, energetic Sales Trainer, manager and participant in startup ClearSense which was sold to World Directories in 2007.
My friends? Although he wasn’t cut out of the right wood to finish KLM Flight Academy, he surely has found his true calling. Has swapped the wild lifestyle for family life, lot’s of travelling and the occasional crazy night in town with friends.
My wife? Ask her!
My son? His biggest hero and driver of ‘auto papa, hard’ which means ‘daddy’s car, fast’

2) What do you like about what you do?
Wherever I work, I want to be able to work like an entrepreneur. I have that feeling very strongly with Why? It’s a young (average age around 30), international (13 nationalities amongst 45 employees) and fast growing company (aiming for the top 20 Deloitte Fast500 this year). My responsibility is, together with the VP operations, to roll out our ambitious growth strategy. In one sentence: get people to find us, like us and book with us again and again. This is done through SEO, SEA, metasearch, display, our unique affiliate program, smart DB marketing and clever use of Analytics. In the process I get to work with big companies like Google, Kayak and Tripadvisor, and smaller renewing ones like Trivago and HotelVideoReviews. All online possibilities that might add value are explored, like Twitter (@easytobook for hotel queries and @wouterblok if you would like to connect with me). To stay ahead of the game I go to the trade fairs like Adtech, Eyefortravel and ITB to meet interesting people and get inspired even more. The results of our endeavours are visible each minute, so we can steer where we have to. It’s a fast game and I love it!

3) What don’t you like about what you do?
It’s not my own company. 😉

4) Please tell us all about your site and your aims with it. offers over 35,000 hotels in more than 6,000 destinations worldwide. A site for all who need to make a hotel reservation with the best rates and availability (with lowest rate guarantee). We strive to show the most relevant and complete content, in combination with a killer usability. We find it very important for travellers to be flexible. Therefore most bookings are changeable up to 24 hours before arrival and payment is done at the hotel, upon departure. The site is in constant development to achieve an even better (information) offering, user interface, usability and connectivity. And frankly, we are not easily satisfied!


5) Your top 3 destination experiences you’ve ever stayed to date and why?
1) Island hopping in the Seychelles. By far the most romantic trip I’ve made with my girl. Walking on the beaches of Anse sous l’Argent is a very unreal experience. It was very quiet and felt like we were in the movie ‘the blue lagoon’. Scuba diving was even more special, with an up and close encounter with a Whale Shark and tons of other magnificent creatures.
2) Cape Town, South Africa. I almost moved there. What a vibrant city, beautiful people, good partying, amazing countryside, wines to die for, cagedives with Great Whites…. If you like to go off the beaten track, hire a convertible and go to Worcester Glider club and take a flight with one of the instructors.
3) Zermatt, Switzerland. My favorite skiing resort. Although expensive, the area is worth it. Where else in the world can you ski from 3880m and descent to 1500m in one go? The views on the Matterhorn are priceless.

6) Your top 3 accommodations you’ve ever stayed to date and why?
1) Equatorial Bangi Hotel near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Where the monkeys steal your golf balls, the sushi is pure art and the service is unsurpassed. The building is very nicely built in a colonial style.
2) The Westin Grand Cape Town Arabella Quays. Where you can moon the city from the rooftop sauna.
3) The Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai. Exquisite service, perfect pool and an incredibly dedicated staff that will not let a terrorist attack keep them from going to work. They are rebuilding the damaged floors in record time, an unknowing guest will not notice anything happened there last November. I especially appreciated this hotel, because the night before I stayed in hotel Kushbu, see question 8.

7) Your top 3 most memorable food / wine experiences to date and why?
) Restaurant Buerehiesel, Strasbourg. This used to be a 3 star restaurant. When the parents retired and the son took over, he decided to keep the great cooking, but drop the stars. That way he could lower the threshold for mere mortals to enjoy the splendid kitchen
2) Muratie Wine Estate, Stellenbosch. One of the oldest estates in the Cape area and my goodness, the thought of the Ansela van de Caab Red wine still makes my mouth
3) Restaurant Aqua, Hong Kong. Located in Kowloon on the 20th floor overlooking HK island. I had my first ‘fatty tuna’ sashimi there, while the city lit up in the light show and fireworks lighted the sky

Wouter at Bharat's Wedding Party in India
Wouter at Bharat's Wedding Party in India

8) Your 3 worst destination/ accommodation /food experiences to date and why?
1) Haggis in Glasgow. Perhaps I should have had it before I got sober and hung over?
2) The B&B Villa de Roses in Beau Vallon, Seychelles. Breakfast was the same for the whole 2 weeks. only 1 egg, you couldn’t get 2. Service included a very grumpy lady that moves in slow motion. The location made up for this of course.
3) Hotel Kushbu, Keshod, Gujarat, India. Last May my Indian colleague Bharat got married and didn’t want to mis it for world and flew over there for 1 weekend. (if only I had more holidays). His place of birth was 2 flights and a 3 hour ride away, we were the first foreigners to come there. The nearest hotel was in Keshod, had no shower, no toiletpaper, no towels and beds so dirty, we wrapped our dirty laundry around our pillows. All worth it, considering the ceremonies we attended were beautiful and derived from ancient traditions (they spoke in Sanskrit), and the presence of foreigners (Omri, founder ETB and me) meant a lot for the family.

9) Can you offer the readers 3 destination/ food / accomodation / things to do tips about the city you are currently living in?
1) Steak restaurant Castell in Amsterdam. If you like nice, wood-grilled steak,
2) Restaurant Willendorff in Haarlem. My old colleague Michel Boesmans runs the kitchen and does an excellent job!
3) Visit Amsterdam on Queensday, wear something orange and act as if you are just as completely bonkers as the rest of us.


10) Any Question(s) you’d expected me to ask that you would like to answer?
“If you didn’t have to work anymore, what would you do?”

He who’s in love with his job, shall not work another day in his life.

My take:
Well done Wouter! Just before the arrival of son nr 2. Thanks! Good luck with the delivery!
A question: What makes Easy to Book different or better than the likes of Booking, Venere and Expedia? Why no Blog?
Awesome scuba shot and good skiing taste, although you really need nice weather for Zermatt, otherwise the lifts close down early in comparison to other resorts in the neighbourhood (been there several times:-).

Update: After years…better l8 than never… Wouter has started his own Blog, Wouter Blog…I just wonder if this is a prelude to him setting up his own company:-)

Last edited by GJE on August 16, 2011 at 1:55 pm

Does Time (or Steven B) "Get" Twitter?

Steven Berlin Johnson (@StevenBJohnson) tweeted that he wrote the cover article for Time How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live and the tweet Iphone photo goes on the Time’s cover. He blogged: Me on Twitter on Time on Twitter.

Probably this is a step further in getting Twitter more mainstream attention.

The Time June 15 issue will reach the news stand on June 11, 2009. For a couple of days the coverage it gets on Twitter is Ah Maa Zing. In that respect Time did “Get It”. Here is Steven’s first Tweet: Roughly counting the twitter search “How Twitter Will Change the Way we Live” brings a good 1500 tweets and counting in just 2 days. It even hit the top 5 for a short time. One should notice that currently 1500 is the cap of the Twitter Search API. As comparison: I’m just writing this during the third set of the Roland Garos French Open finale of Swiss Roger Federer against Swedish Soderling. After Federer wipes Soderling in three strait sets from the center court the French Open search hits the 1500 cap in just over 20 minutes…

But does Time “Get It”, or does it merely piggy back on Twitter to get some attention in these dire economic circumstances for the printed media?

The reason I’m asking this question is that I have read and reread the article and was not overly impressed.

In short Steven:

  1. Explains a bit about Twitter and their founders
  2. Attended a congress where there was a life tweet screen (been there, seen that)
  3. Mentions the recently added search function and how this could be an antidote to Google
  4. bla bla about third party tools
  5. more bla bla
  6. and concludes with this quote: “There’s a kind of resilience here that is worth savoring. The weather reports keep announcing that the sky is falling, but here we are ” millions of us ” sitting around trying to invent new ways to talk to one another.”

Inspiring? Actually not so much. Why didn’t he get a bit more personal? How does he keep up with his followers? How did Twitter change his life? apparently not at all.

I checked out Steven a bit: His first tweet was this one: Hello Twitter. I come in Peace for all Mankind and has since (Oct 2007) produced a mere 470 something tweets….a mere average of under 1 tweet a day. with 670K followers he seems to be a sort of celebrity by himself. However: He doesn’t seem much of a connector. So I’m asking: Maybe they chose the wrong person to do the cover story?

I checked a WSJ article from him. That gives a way better insight about Steven. He loves books more than everything else.

Maybe this is only about my own amazement about how much coverage all this gets… What would you say?

Update: Uhm Noticed a counter error that says there are 16 comments but I do see only one

High Five (8): 5 Reads for Travel Bloggers


Long time no see my High Five. I’ve decided to pick it up again: It is a great way of getting ideas and finds across quickly and to declutter my meandering mind an my backlog of drafts (currently over 80).

  1. Sheila explains to those who want to engage a travel blogger what kind of breed travel bloggers actually are. {OOPS! it seems at the moment of publishing this post the blog of Sheila is not entirely in order…here is: a Google cache link}.
  2. Scott Kelby gives some great tips about taking photographs when traveling (or blogging) in Shooting. As you can see me doing with my “high Five” logo, I’m trying to further myself in the oh so difficult Adobe Photoshop ins and outs…even a copy and past is not easy…I want five high fives, but thusfar only was able to create 3…
  3. I discovered fellow Dutchman Joost van der Valk (AKA Yoast)’s WordPress SEO – Definitive Guide To High Rankings For Your Blog, excellent read.
  4. Same Yoast has 40 WordPress Optimisation tips. Also worth considering. However it confuses me no end whether I can use these tips together with my new theme…
  5. For the next skiing holiday to consider: The best Ski-Hotels worldwide | World’s Luxury Guide.

You can find more about my high fives in the category High Five

If you want to draw my attention to a post, please use the Contact Page or give me a message at Twitter