Lorelle VanFossen Interview

Lorelle VanFossen

I did it again: I hit the publish button before I was ready editing…..Trying to embed an interview with Lorelle VanFossen here. Initially without success. After some time I succeeded, but see below.

Lorelle is from Lorelle on WordPress, a real nice and enthusiastic gal! The WordPress Advocate.

I had to take the link away as the video disappeared.

The interviewer is one of our Dutch Top Twitterati Vincent Everts, @Vincente


I found him via Twitter Grader, @Twittergrader. You know what? They count me Twitterati Numero Uno of my city, The Hague.

Update 1: Later I found another interview with Lorelle.

Update 2: Later in 2009 I met Lorelle IRL at the First WordCamp in NL. Hence a photo.

Update 3: Instead of Vincent’s interview here is an interview with Lorelle by Erno Hannink after WordCamp NL:

And after all the hassle I found the original back on Blip.tv:

Last edited by GJE on March 14, 2012 at 12:13 am

Guy Kawasaki on how to become Web Famous

Just a link to an interview with Guy Kawasaki (AKA Guy Kawastalki) by VatorNews – Guy Kawasaki on how to become Web famous.

The Product Kawasaki is about giving (and tweeting about):

  1. Good advice about entrepreneurship and marketing.
  2. Good advice for start up business.
  3. Interesting links, pages, photos, absurdities etc.

Just find interesting content on Alltop.com, Stumble upon or similar sites and tweet about it .

Answer your e-mail. Yes, that is time consuming, but I don’t wear short skirts and work the party circuit.

Hoteliers Beware: A new Blog on the Block might disrupt your website!

Paper-thin bed cover, now in baby spew green

It was Wendy Perrin’s post Hotels I’d Pay not to Stay in that pointed me to this fairly new Blog on the Block: Unfortunate Hotels Hotel websites begging to be mocked.

It started in November 2008, but seems getting momentum with more posts now. In a witty way the websites are taken apart.

What to think of following quotes?

The website might fool you at first – beautiful color scheme, high-end photos, flash galore. The dining room is fit for a wedding reception, and the lobby has obviously had a makeover in the last decade.
But not even the fade-in on the artfully cropped photos can save these sad, sad rooms.

Or this one:

The home page of the website for the Silver Reef Hotel states,

Just completed, a totally new hotel with 20 tastefully decorated rooms located in the downtown area of Udon Thani. Convenient for all your business and leisure needs.

We’ll see about that:


I’d like to discuss the merger with you. Shall we get a drink at the bar?

If this happened to me as a hotelier I would fire my photographer or web designer.

I have a feeling this could become a similar big hit as another Hoteliers’ Horror: (originally) Chris Clarke’s Bed Jumping….still alive and kicking.

BTW: Where the Hell is Chris?
Answer: Chris Clarke went to Dubai and works there in one of those luxury hotels. However the price for that luxury is you have to be very careful on social media. So I believe Chris choose to be invisible on social media.

Unfortunately Unfortunate Hotels stopped updating …. The site is still there but only two posts remain.
Last Edited by gje on February 4, 2017

#enter09@Amsterdam Mini Bloggers Meetup


I’m back from the Enter09@Amsterdam conference.

Before posting anything, I had to address a technical problem here, as the electrically opening gate to our backyard doesn’t function anymore. Some of you know that I sometimes describe my job here at Haagsche Suites as a “Jack of all trades and Master of none”.
It appeared that a deliverer of glass to my neighbor (a tenant of mine) has driven against the safety provisions of the gate this afternoon. Nice having a security cam available to prove who did it. The only problem is it takes considerable time to sift through lengthy footage of stills. But I have pinpointed the trespasser. I find it so funny to see my neighbor standing there in person and looking when it is happening and simply not having the decency to warn me what happened. Now I’m really looking forward to a whole weekend without a functioning gate. – It turned out later he had tried to give me notice by telephone on the answering machine -.

Back to Enter09. The Blogger meetup yesterday afternoon turned out to be a Mini Blogging Meetup. Luckily with some beer, chips and a friendly chat.

Now I can prove you beyond doubt with the above photo that Kevin Can Smile. Hurray! (see my 10 Questions (15) For: Kevin May of Travolution)….even when he had just decided to remove Virgin screen grabs from his site (see his Tweet and these posts of: Travolution and of Alex)

The photo shows further Stephen Joyce and Jens Traenhart (he is the one with the really huge smile).


This photo shows Dimitrios Buhalis, left, who was also conference chair and a young man of the Austrian Tirol Tourist board whom I hope will give us his name when he reads this. Added: I found him out before he me. It’s Hannes Egger, one of the authors of Blog Tirol. Oops I should have known: I’m on their Blogrol…Thanks Hannes and do come to ITB Berlin!

That made up a meet up of 7 6 Bloggers while William got lost in Amsterdam.

Later Stephen offered me dinner that I chose for him to be real Dutch “Suddervlees” (also known as “Draadjesvlees”) at Moeders a decent restaurant in Amsterdam that serves traditional Dutch Food and the name of which means Mothers (or Moms or Mamas) it is fested with photos of moms.

Thanks Stephen and we will meet again in Berlin where I owe you one.

From the conference itself I don’t have much to report to you, as I had a lot of other things to do, so I could not attend, but my own presentation and two sessions. I had especially to finalize my own first ppt presentation. When I have translated it in English (it was for the Dutch Day of Enter09 in the Dutch language), I’ll put it up here.

I posted some more photos at my Flickr set Enter09@Amsterdam

It was mentioned that Jens has new plans wit Tips from the T-List, but I didn’t attend that session. Maybe more somewhere else.


Added: Kevin used one of my Flickr set’s Enter09@Amsterdam photos for a Caption Contest