Easter Monday: My own Little Easter Fairy Tale

There are several reasons to publish this Little Easter Fairy Tale here:

  1. I was inspired to take these photos of our yesterday’s Easter Brunch by the excellent close up qualities of my Panasonic DMC TZ5 with Leica Lens and 10X optical zoom. Usually I have it in my pocket and thanks to it I don’t need an Iphone or Berry with photo capacity.
  2. I would like to give a heads up for the always amazing Little People Blog that shows you what you can do with your camera in micro space
  3. I’m still struggling to find a good way of presenting a good slide show here on the blog…the above slide show is the original Flickr one. Only works when you set it to full screen with the comments on..story will be continued.
  4. Also experimenting away with my Flickr account
  5. Some peeps I referred to it on Twitter liked it, someone commented fractured Fairy Tale. Maybe you like it too:-) Lemme know!
  6. And finally would like to thank Darren who pointed me to a WP RSS footer plugin to prevent scrapers. Just installed it and it works!

Dutch Design (42): Phat Knits by Bauke Knottnerus

What’s in a name? Bauke “Knot”tnerus (knotting is a variant on knitting isn’t it?) proves again what I’ve said and will repeat once more: The Future is: Back to Knitting:

dutch designer bauke knottnerus designed the ‘phat knit’ series in 2008. the series of oversized furniture
pieces each resemble knitting in a variety of scales. one piece features a series of multi coloured strings
that can be tied or woven together, while another consists of a single giant knot. the knitted pieces are
actually made using giant knitting needles. these needles and the over-sized strings can be used to
produce a variety of object from carpets to seats.

Via Designboom bauke knottnerus: phat knits

Beauty and the Bath: Milo

The bathtub is a traditionally private and intimate space; a cocoon enveloping your body. The MILO glass bathtub presents a stunning albeit unconventional adaptation of this space.

Via the discontinued Cribcandy

Quote of the Day (14): Welcome to our OOL

Welcome to our OOL There is no “P” in it and we like to keep that way