My 5th Twitter Birthday

@HappyHotelier -- Twitter Birthday - 2013-03-13 00-30-39

My 5th Twitter Birthday

Fun to see how many ages internet wise I’m around on Twitter. Would love to see my archives once. It seems in some parts of the World they are available for downloading


I was able to find my archive! For those who don’t know: It is somewhere in your Twitter settings where you can apply for and get a link to a zip file with all your tweets. You then can unzip the file and read all of your tweets with a browser. There are even links to the actual tweet at Twitter, albeit without much context, but from Twitter you can embed tweeds like I did my with my first ever tweet here.

Last edited by GJE on March 23, 2013 at 1:04 am

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands 75 Years

Queen Beatrix 75 year

This is the last official portrait of Queen Beatrix as Queen of The Netherlands. On April 30, 2013 she will be succeeded by her Son, Prince Willem-Alexander.

The beautiful portrait is by Frank van Beek.

The Queen celebrates her 75th birthday today in private.

Happy Birthday Queen Beatrix!

No Beard? No King! – Dutch getting Viral about King to be Willem-Alexander

King to be Willem-Alexander and Abdicating Queen Beatrix

Currently H.R.H Prince Willem Alexander of The Netherlands (left) is clean shaven. He will be the first King in over 100 years after his mother H.M. Queen Beatrix (right) will abdicate in favor of him on April 30, 2013. However according to a funny FacBook page Zonder Baard Geen Koning (i.e. No Beard? No King!) which started yesterday and collected some 20,000 likes in its first 24 hours, Willem-Alexander has still 90 days to grow a nice beard.

Twitter Embed

Tweets by @HappyHotelier

Just to remember the new Twitter embed which BTW works better in the sidebar than in a post….have to figure it out.

My 2013 Resolutions?

Happy 2013 to Everybody

Scarce postings here in 2013. Various reasons. I won’t elaborate here too much:
One of the reasons is me being under the hood trying to understand Thesis 2.0 which was launched beginning of October 2012. If you are interested, you can read more about it on another blog I’ve started: Chi Beheer

Chi Beheer Logo
where I’m now concentrating al my web-, WordPress- and webdesign related posts.

Furthermore, with various people from The Hague, I’ve started a Dutch language blog Haagspraak

Haagspraak Logo

My 2013 Resolutions?

Just one: The same as my one and only resolution for 2010 which I did not keep – not in 2010, not in 2011 and also not in 2012:  To really finalize the new design of my hotel website within a short time.

So my one and only resolution for 2013 is:

No more procrastinating!