Twitter Agony:
by Jeffrey Zeldman Presents:
My reaction
Ha, would you believe such outcry would help with 11,259 Twitter Followers and getting more e-mail than Santa Claus??
The Happier the Hotelier, The Happier the Guest
Twitter Agony:
by Jeffrey Zeldman Presents:
My reaction
Ha, would you believe such outcry would help with 11,259 Twitter Followers and getting more e-mail than Santa Claus??
The number of those who read blogs at least once a month has grown 300% in the past four years, and what they read strongly influences their purchase decisions, playing a key role in ushering them to the point of actual purchase, according to a BuzzLogic-sponsored study, reports Retailer Daily.
“Harnessing the Power of Blogs,†a research study of more than 2,000 online consumers in the US, was conducted by JupiterResearch, a Forrester research company.
Blogs Influence Consumer Purchases More than Social Networks
I had vowed not to piggy back on the US elections, but this video is way too hilarious and serious not to share with you:
Cleese on the US elections:
It is so important that Barack Obama is elected, because the The World is treating America now a little bit like the village idiot of the international community…
Cleese on Sarah Palin:
What fascinates me is how people watching her on television. Can they not see that she has basically learned certain speeches? ….. like a nice looking parrot….?
Also fascinating: The number of views an excerpt of this interview, labeled “John Cleese on Sarah Palin” gets on You Tube is over a million whereas this version one only got some 45 thousand…..
This is about the only prediction I’ll make for the future: We’ll be going back to knitting
As adults discover Facebook and Second Life, the cool kids are realizing that one reality is enough for anyone and are discovering knitting.
Found it while cleaning up my drafts in a (still) interesting article in the Independent by Rupert Steiner [which unfortunately disappeared since posting].
I couldn’t resist to point you to this hilarious one:
My Blog with my nude pics receives more unique hits than the blog of my husband. This is my revenge. I wish he had more time for me than his PC
Point taken: I’m off to have a good glass of wine with my DW.
Quote by the famous Post Secret (10/12/2008 Sunday Secrets).