What are You Thinking About? (1) – Lateral Thinking

What are You Thinking About?


I have a very associative mind. I see something and think of a totally different thing by association. Usually most of my relatives and friends totally fail to understand my associations at all. Obviously they need a decoder. I’ve honed my associative capabilities after reading a book from Edward De Bono. He is a business guru who had his hey days in 70ies and 80ies, but seems still alive and kicking. Lateral Thinking, he teaches will enhance your creativity.
For me the Internet is a great tool to help me broaden my associations and creativity. Photo’s or images are a great tool to explain associations, especially mine.

My association with the question

When I ask myself the question: “What are you thinking about?” my first association is always with this hilarious video of a German Coast Guard’s bad English:


I even believe correct English would be: “What are you thinking of?”

The First Photo

I stumbled on the excellent photo of Rodney Smith. He maintains a blog as well: Escape of Life where he shows this photo here.

About Rodney Smith:

Rodney Smith graduated from the University of Virginia in 1970. He went on to earn a Master of Divinity in Theology from Yale University in 1973. While at Yale, Rodney also studied photography under Walker Evans. Mr. Smith is a photographer based in New York with years of teaching experience, including a adjunct professorship at Yale University. He regularly teaches a workshop at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshop in New Mexico.

My association with the Photo

During this week of the year I usually am skiing in the Swiss Alps. For several reasons I don’t this year. After seeing the Photo I just looked up the live cam of our favorite Swiss ski resort (Bettmeralp-The Better Alp) and I was thinking: “I wish I was there in stead of here behind my desk and computer” Look at it:

You see the famous Matterhorn mountain just in the middle of horizon of the webcam…

Ah I clicked the cam again shortly before publishing this and I see clouds creeping up to the mountain which is one of the disadvantages of Bettmeralp. Due to its location there is frequently clouds or mist to ski in…I can go back to work now;-)

Moon Rises Above Dover

I’ve returned from visiting WTM and TBCamp. Just before I boarded the Ferry back to the continent, I spotted this Moon rising above Dover. Thought to share it with you while I’m sifting through my photos from TBCamp and trying to order my impressions into a nice blogpost.

What moved Cartier Bresson

Here was a Vimeo video embedded…

In 1947 Henri Cartier Bresson founded Magnum Photos, an important cooperative photography agency with offices in London, Paris, Tokyo and New York.

A twitter friend pointed me to this video. Thank you @filosoof or Maurice Haak.

Update The video was dumped by Vimeo due to:

Sorry, “HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON – Decisive Moment, The” was deleted at 1:44:28 Wed Jun 15, 2011. Vimeo has removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson claiming that this material is infringing: HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON – Decisive Moment, The. We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere.

I’m an admirer of Henri Cartier Bresson, especially because I’m not very good in focusing myself. His photos are in many instances out of focus. He’s the millimeter artist. There is a lot to learn from him in this video.
Last edited by GJE on June 17, 2011 at 1:06 am

Doutzen Kroes lands Cool Film role in Nova Zembla


Doutzen is probably one of our best export products. As a top fashion model she’s been the face of L’Oreal and Victoria’s Secret – Uhm maybe more than just a face…recently.

In January, 2011 the 25 years young lady has given birth to a healthy young daughter and just 8 weeks thereafter the media proudly announced her belly was back in form…

Yesterday it was announced (also by herself on Twitter) she has landed a Feature Film role for a project of Eye Works, Nova Zembla. It will tell a story about Dutch navigator Willem Barentz who attempted several times to discover a North East passage to India above Siberia. One of his attempts ended in his ship stuck in a field of icebergs which caused the crew to stay at the Nova Zebla Island during the winter of 1596.

I predict that Doutzen’s warm voice and personality will cause the ice to melt.

As I said earlier: The Netherlands is worth a trip solely to enjoy the beauty of its women! A (Michelin Guide) three star country in that respect.