Travel Bloggers Hopping – Meet the Blogger

Benji Lanyado, writing for the Guardian and bragging that he is the author of the web’s only regular column on travel blogs has come up with a great Idea: Travel Bloggers Hopping. He himself calls it Meet the Bloggers. The idea is that he visits a different city each month and gets off the beaten track with local bloggers. If you are a travel blogger and fancy showing him around your own back yard… get in touch with him at benji.lanyado{at}

For his inaugural Meet the Bloggers column he hopped on the Eurostar to Paris, and got something of a scoop from Clotilde Dusoulier, food royalty, attracting over 15,000 visits a day to her five-year-old blog Chocolate & Zucchini (already a long time on my sidebar see my post Food blogs: Chocolate and Zucchini), and she agreed to take lunch with him.

Further he visited: Rebecca Perry-Maignant of Chic Shopping Paris, a blog and shopping tour company and

Finally he visited I V Y Paris News a blog that

started life as 5 artists getting together to hold an exhibiton in late 2004 (a painter, sculptor, jewelry designer, photographer and Founder of I V Y paris, Susie Hollands, conceptual artist). Within 2 weeks of deciding we were holding a show we’d found a gallery space, rented it, painted and scrubbed it and sent out a quick email blast to those we’d hoped would come to the vernissage. We split the costs 5 ways to make things affordable. A few finishing touches to the work to be exposed and we were ready. Everyone did something; donated a sound system, brought the wine in a friend’s car, painted, mopped, spoke the necessary French…… voila! It was great success. The space was packed on the opening night and first night sales covered over and above the cost of hiring the space. This proves that if you are motivated it’s possible to hold an exhibition, even in Central Paris. It doesn’t have to be a traditional white-cube type thing either – it can be in someone’s home, under one of the bridges of the Seine, in a Park, or parking lot if you like.

Their idea is
To serve as a comprehensive hub for visual arts information and resources in Paris, nurturing their creative community through a series of art exhibitions and events. For those artists or art-curious already living in Paris, just passing through the “moveable feast,” as so many have done before them or dreaming about doing so one day, they hope I V Y Paris will be an invaluable point of reference.

About Benji Lanyado

Benji Lanyado is the Guardian’s budget travel columnist, a role he first undertook during his final year at Manchester University in 2005. He is also’s resident travel blogaholic. He spends his spare time running, obsessing about West Ham, and waiting for an Acid Jazz revival. Benji has double-jointed shoulders.

Thumbs up for the Idea, Benji!

Cathay Pacific Ace Pilot Sacked after Youtube Publication of his Stunt.

Captain Ian Wilkinson astonished passengers and onlookers by taking a Cathay Pacific Boeing 77-300ER low over the landing strip shortly after take-off for its maiden trip to Hong Kong from Boeing’s US manufacturing plant. The plane was loaded with VIPS including the CP Chairman.

The captain is said to be one of the most senior aviators with the airline, and it is even reported he got a champagne toast upon arrival in Hong Kong.

However footage of the stunt on January 30 was posted on YouTube and Mr Wilkinson was first suspended and later dismissed after a disciplinary hearing. Cathay Pacific executives took a dim view of his stunt without proper authorization by the Airline.

Another senior pilot with the airline is quoted:

Wilkinson was very much one of the elite in Cathay Pacific and would have been very chummy with the airline executives he was flying that day.

If no one else had found out about it, the incident would probably have gone no further. But once it began circulating on the internet and Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department got wind of it, that was the end of him.

Maiden flights are treated as a bit of a jolly for executives with lots of champagne flowing and these fly-bys used to be done for a wheeze in the old days.

But they are dangerous because however good the pilot thinks he is, he isn’t trained for it and the planes aren’t designed for it.

Wilkinson was showing off, and most of the pilots might be sympathetic but they feel he got what he deserved when he was sacked.

Someone else commented that if not for the Youtube publication, nothing would have happened.

More reading:
UK Daily Mail and
Times Online

Post Alia

It reminds me of the story of ad guru Neil French who lost his position at WWP after a slip of the tongue that was followed by a Bloggers War back in 2005…hm Time Flies !

Travel Blog Carnival Week 8

Travel Blog Carnival Venetian Logo
Travel Rants’ Travel Blog Carnival Week 8

Darren is forgiven. Week 7 passed without review by sheer lack of time on his side (Happy Birthday again Darren!) and on the reviewers side. However I have expressed my concern that it is a bit much for a one man blogger earlier.

I offered to do a review of this week which Darren accepted.

Since I liked Gudrun ‘s style of reviewing most, I will try to copy that. There were 17 posts submitted. I chose 4:

  • Vicky Brock of Tracking Tourism: The Tourism Research Blog | Travel industry thinking from Stephen Budd and Vicky Brock at Highland Business Research – Note: As I am a slow two finger typist, I do suggest she abbreviates her blog title – gives us in her post Get to grips with monitoring online reviews and comments | Tracking Tourism: The Tourism Research Blog, subtitled “Time to stop searching and start finding” (again very long!) some very interesting suggestions how a travel supplier can monitor what the word of mouth on the web is about the supplier.
  • Martin Cowen of Travolution Blog comments in his post Social media versus Search on FaceBook plans presented at TMF&A to insert adds in discusions between FaceBook members. If I discuss New York with you on FaceBook, then, according to these plans, immediately a couple of ads of NYC hotels and restaurants will pop up. Also the down to earth comments are interesting to read. However I have seen an Inn owner claiming selling a room via FaceBook. I must admit that Travolution writes sometimes so much as an insider that i need a decoder to understand what they are writing about 🙂
  • Barbara Ann Weibel of Hole in The Donut – Traveling the World presents in Never Keep All Your Money in One Place some clever and some hilarious hiding places to stash away your cash when on holiday.
  • Elizabeth of Go Green Travel Green – Green Travel Tips for Savvy Travelers which for me is a new Blog on the block gives some down to earth advice to travel light derived from an instant unplanned trip from Russia to Estonia in
    McDonald’s Bathrooms are Lifesavers & 16 Other Travel / Life Lessons from Estonia | Go Green Travel Green

The posts not chosen are good as well. You can find all at my Tumblr miniblog : Happy Hotelier | Tumblr that I have just set up in order to see if I can organize myself better with it. More on Tumblr l8ter!

Travel Blog Carnival Week 3, 4, 5 and 6

Travel Blog Carnival Venetian Logo
Travel Rants’ Travel Blog Carnival Week 3, 4, 5 and 6

I have been away on holiday and when I returned I had a work overload. So I missed some of the fun. Here are the Travel Blog Carnival Weeks 3, 4, 5 and 6 for you. There is a lot to cover, therefore I had to decrease the size of my Travel Blog Carnival logo:-)

Week 3

Darren Cronian dutifully recapped it for us here in his Travel Blog Carnival Week 3 post:

Gudrun Enger’s of Kango Blog Choice:

  • Barbara over at Hole In The Donut compiled a great list for the solo traveler in Traveling Safely. I actually found it to be outstanding for anyone traveling, offering advice on everything from notifying your credit card and bank about your upcoming travels to using your web mail accounts to keep copies of important documents. My favorite tip? While visiting in a country where you don’t speak the language, pick up several business cards from your hotel with the name and address. Just hand it to a local taxi driver when you are ready to return to your hotel and there will be no problem with the language barrier!
  • Over at Cruise Bug Chatter, I was offered tips for a successful trip to Mexico, whether by land or by sea. Some were the usual reminders, cautioning you to avoid tap water, dressing appropriately when visiting churches, and learning a few words of the local language to ease your trip. Also discussed was the best way to bargain so that everyone feels good. Of course, my last trip to Mexico (on a cruise ship no less!) involved a visit to the local WalMart, which I found to be pretty similar to the one at home. I know, that is like eating at McDonald’s in Paris, but sometimes you get homesick!
  • Finally, Fox Nomad’s Flier Etiquette Tips brought to my attention that Delta Airlines is unveiling a training system for their passengers, claiming that airlines have not properly prepared passengers for what is to be expected aboard a plane. Fox Nomad pulled together a list of basics, including using your manners (Please and Thank you go a long way), limiting the amount of chatter with your seat mate (unless you are related or really getting on well) and avoiding overindulging in the little bottles of love the flight attendants bring around. Drunk in the air is quite different than drunk on the ground. All good advice for anyone who flies!
  • And even though it did not fit into my theme of lists, I also want to give a shout out to Family Travel at for the piece on Nordic Skating. I enjoyed this since I had just finished reading The Greatest Skating Race by Louise Borden, to my kids. After reading the book, which describes a long distance ice skate adventure from Belgium to Holland during WWII, I was interested in finding out more about doing that here in North America. Family Travel outlined a couple programs in New England and eastern Canada, and I look forward to making the trek with my family one day.

Note: In one way or another I am not able to find the link to this article.

Week 4
Week 4 shows a greater influx according to Darren:

Erica Johansson of Blisful Travel:

Kevin May of Travolution Blog’s Top Three:

Gudrun Enger of Kango Blog made her Choice:

  • Barbara over at Hole in the Donut writes about the dangers of Zimbabwe and her personal trip to this area in 2007. I don’t know if she was a fearless adventurer or just in the right place at the right time, but her experience sounds exciting and diverse. Now that Zimbabwe has been put on the list of dangerous places to visit, Barbara’s account might be the closest we all get to visiting!
  • Claude from Les Explorers showed us the pitfalls of the current hotel search system, and how he managed to find the lowest rate for his upcoming stay for ITB PhocusWright in Berlin. What a nightmare to go through, there is definitely an opportunity for innovation here.
  • Over at Yearn To Travel, Medelise talks about the Stowe Derby, the oldest and most unique ski race in North America. While not a skier myself, I was fascinated by her description of the terrain. Definitely sounds like a “crazy” race!
  • And finally, Brian over at International Listings put together a very detailed list of the top 25 castles in the world. The pictures are outstanding, and based on his descriptions, my favorites would have to be Kolossi Castle in Cyprus and Himeji Castle in Japan. Even our lovely Hearst Castle in California is included!

Carianne of Traveling Cari:

  • Experiencing one of the most dangerous countries from Hole in the Donut really struck a chord with me. As was the case in Tony Wheeler’s Bad Lands (and he’s contemplating a sequel!) the experience that the traveler gets, especially an open minded traveler, is often far removed from the dire warnings and classifications on lists such as the one Forbes published. While I’m not sure I have any interest in Zimbabwe, the photos are beautiful. The author hits the nail on the head when she speaks of the “real Zimbabwe” — the country you see with your eyes, not one you hear on a list.
  • So you’ve decided you’re going to Zimbabwe, or another country that strikes your fancy. How do you figure out how much this is all going to cost? How to create a vacation Budget from FoxNomad provides some great information. It’s not impossible. Using some of the tools provided, it’s not even particularly hard. I’ve never been particularly good at setting budgets, or sticking to them when I have a rough idea, but it is a good idea. This site is also valuable if you’re one of those people forever trying to convince your friends that travel is possible and that it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
  • So now you’ve set your budget, but you’ve realized you’re really not up for a visit to a place that’s been identified as Dangerous. Something more along the lines of a fairy tale is what you’re interested in. Then the Top 25 Castles in the World from International Listings is a good place to start. It includes some very well known Castles: Windsor, Château de Versailles, Arg-é Bam Castle and Angkor Wat (although I never knew the latter was considered a castle) as well as some I was completely unfamiliar with. I was surprised not to see the Taj Mahal or Neuschwanstein Castle included. Either way, it’s got me itching for another trip!

Barbara of A Hole in the Donut:

  • On the Kango blog, Paige Jackson writes an informational and amusing piece about traveling on west Texas roads.
  • For those looking for a bit more adventure than afforded by a drive through flatlands, try out this article at the Family Travel Blog, which features the sport of bodyflight (note again an error!). The video of kids and adults flying around in what appears to be a wind chamber is truly amazing. I felt like I was flying just watching it. This is something I definitely want to do!
  • The White Point Manor blog looks at the controversial issue of the WHTI Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, the U.S. legislation that will (eventually) eliminate the ability for Canadian Citizens to enter the U.S. by showing only a driver’s license.
  • And finally, perhaps my favorite post of the week is to be found on Highland Business Research’s Tracking Tourism Blog. It’s an hysterical article about a new method for tracking tourism being used by the folks in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and it links to an even funnier article in the Lake Tahoe Real Estate Blog that used every “potty mouth” pun it could come up with to describe the town’s state-of-the-art tracking methodology.

Week 5

Darren’s Recap

Anil’s of FoxNomad:

Vicky of Highland Business Research:

Week 6

Darren’s Recap

Tracy’s of Travel Betty Choice

Erica Johansson’s Choice

And Finally chosen by Darren himself:

Seeing all these wonderful reviews two questions hit me:

  1. It is a lot of work. There are some doubles. Maybe the weekly frequency is a bit too much and a monthly frequency with say 15 or 20 chosen posts is a better idea ?
  2. Alternatively: Why not chose one reviewer per week? Then you don’t have doubles and you don’t run out of reviewers so easily

and a memo to self:

Oops 1: I have a lot to update on the T-List, but that will have to wait till next month.

Oops 2: I now see a wrong date above this post, but I won’t change it because the date is part of my archive. 5th February is when I started it and today 12th February, 2008 is the date when I finished it. A similar basic mistake I made with my post of our Queens Birthday which, until today I had labeled as “Private” instead of “Published”

Travel Blogs Com

Travellerspoint Logo
The logo of a Scout or a Backpacker?

Another community of Travel Bloggers that I had spotted earlier but lost the url of is Travel Blogs Com “Handpicked tales from the road”. It says: brings the internet’s best narrative travel blogs together into one place.

The writers we feature may be well known travel writers; or they could just be your average Joe on a round-the-world trip. What matters is the quality of their writing and the way they relate their experiences.

They are related to the Australian travelers community Travellerspoint with syndicated travel blogs on Travel Blogs – Travellerspoint

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Let’s build a community!