It’s simply all about being and remaining Happy!
Look at this photo of our little princess, granddaughter (left) and prince, her cousin, our grandson (right) together. I see a lot of similarities between the two of them and with their parents – and their great parents off course;-). Grandson was born in 2011. Both took a lot of our spare time as hoteliers. And with pleasure.
Looking back a bit
So there was little time left for blogging: A meager 42 posts in 20011 as a result.
Last year my only resolution for 2011 was to catch up with my eternal back log. It simply didn’t happen.
Looking forward a bit
I’ve discovered a few tools that make life of a blogger easier. Therefore it is likely I’ll be able to keep my 2011 resolution as my 2012 resolution 😉
And what are you about to do? (or not to do?)