In a couple of days “2009 The Hague Sculpture”, an open air sculpture exhibition, will open. The exhibition will run from June 9, 2009 till September 9, 2009. This year the steering committee has deemed it fit to have a one sculptor exposition rather than a multi sculptor exposition. The sculptor chosen is Javier Marin. His work is more than life size and will work excellent between the green of the trees of the location, the recently refurbished Lange Voorhout. Yesterday and today some impressive sculptures have been put on their places already. Time for me to stroll (or bike) along the site with my camera(s). I believe the exposition itself will be worth a visit to The Hague!
About Javier MarÃn
Javier MarÃn was born in Uruapan, in the region of Michoacán in Mexico in 1962. He graduated from the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City – the city where he now works and lives.
His original focus was on painting and graphics, but he later concentrated on working in terracotta, resin and bronze.
From 1983 on, he took part in a group exhibition in the Casa de la Cultura in Morelia (Mexico). In 1986 he had his first solo exposition in Mexico City. Since that time, his work has been displayed in the Museo de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, the Espace Pierre Cardin in Paris, at the 50th Venice Biennial in 2005, on the Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid, on the Piazza del Duomo in Pietrasanta, and currently in the Rotonda di via Besana and on the square in front of the Scala in Milan.
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New Post: 2009 The Hague Sculpture – Mexican Javier Marín?s solo Exhibition
I don’t know much about modern art, but I like his sculptures. Probably not something I’d put in my own home, but I would definitely install it on a boutique hotel wall or a clothing store, because of the mega-impact they bring.
I love doing sculpture and when I saw Xavier Marin’s sculptures, I was extremely impressed and very much inspired. I think his work is powerful and beautiful, I’m proud to know that a mexican artist has reached world recognition.
I visited the Netherlands some years ago and saw these sculptures of Javier Marin. They are really unusual and worth taking a look. Actually, I was very impressed.
Xavier Marin. Giunge in Europa a sorpresa. Le opere esposte in Lussemburgo presentano uno scultore originale dalla grande personalità, originalità e cultura. La scultura cercava una strada nuova? Xavier Marin l’ha trovata. In queste opere c”è tutto il passato. Artista nel sangue sente di essere prodotto/figlio della storia e degli uomini che hanno fatto la storia. Nelle sue opere senti la presenza dell’arte greca alessandrina (Nike di Samotracia e Canova, dopo) spunti di mitologia, simboli sovrumani, il medioevo europeo con i suoi misteri, i suoi messaggi di morte, Durer con i suoi “Cavalieri dell’Apocalisse”, Donatello (con il suo Gattamelata) Masaccio (la forza dei suoi cavalli e cavalieri), Michelangelo per la sua classicità) risolti in chiave di cupa atmosfera barocca. E ancora tutta la potente presenza della cultura figurativa messicana moderna e antica, Maya, Azteca con il suo messaggio di sangre. Tutte le figure umane di Xavier Marin sono dei Titani, uomini, donne, semidei che sanno di dover essere sconfitti in un mondo dove tutto è intricato, Aggrovigliato. Complicato. Incomprensibile. Dove si nasce per essere sconfitti. Questo l’impasto culturale espresso con la creatività dell’artista. La sua forza, la sua grandezza. Eccezionale. Unica.