The Travel Blog Carnival Week 2
Darren is struggling with the huge number of Travel Blog Posts that are being submitted. But Darren very cleverly asks various Bloggers to give their reviews and also provides for a backup in case a chosen reviewer is not able to post. So he invited me to give my choice for this week (week 2) as well. Not for week 3 as I assumed earlier. “Divide et Impera” a Roman emperor said.
Here is my selection:
- Build it and they will come – A Giant Elk, by Travel Advice and Guides in the Nordic Region about the development of a Giant Elk that will function as a restaurant and convention center in Sweden, to open in 2009;
- Reaping Rewards by Get a Hotel Room! who discusses various guest loyalty programmes; and
- As I ride Through the Valley in the Shadow of Snow by Clerk and Teller, about a journey on a Quad Bike over the snow. Clerk an Teller are “The Premium Gentlemen Outfitters”, who cleverly attract people to their site by maintaining a Travel Guide;