Van Gogh in Vienna

Van Gogh in Vienna P1020569a

Van Gogh in Vienna

I was rummaging trough my countless photo’s and found this one of many people queuing for a Van Gogh exhibition of the Albertina Museum in Vienna. It was December 7, 2008, the last day before the exhibition would close. It was a rainy day and I would hate to stand in a queue in the rain, but I remembered being proud and therefor taking this very photo: It was a Dutch painter they were all waiting for in the rain….Just reviving my What are you thinking about series…

Obama: Truly Gezellig in The Hague

Nuclear Security Summit I56A1197

Truly Gezellig in The Hague

I’ve seen some of the Nuclear Security Summit 2014 here in The Hague and took a bit of video and some photo’s at the final press conference where Obama thanked the Dutch for a well organized summit and showed he knows a Dutch word “Gezellig” that many English speaking people claim is not so easy to translate….My idea is that the following English words give some meaning to gezellig: Cozy, snug and intimate cover it more or less.

After the press conference the president was induced to being photographed in front of the Victory Boogie Woogie, the latest and unfinished painting of Piet Mondrian, who died in New York before he could finish this painting. This painting is in the collection of the The Hague Municipal Museum of Modern Art (Gemeentemuseum).

Obama bij de Victory Boogie Woogie

Mandela on NSS 2014

Mandela on NSS DSC00326

Mandela on NSS 2014

“Hi, oh you didn’t know I would attend?
Well that is quite easy, as I’m here for quite some time already.
And see look down my left hand…they have some girls around that seemingly like
to re enact that famous scene with Marilyn. You know which one I’m referring at, don’t you?

Dutch gouvernment was proud to announce this was a business meeting, so the wifes would stay home. That made it much cheaper for them to organise this venue. Once a Dutchman, always a Dutchman don’t you think? As a consequence I heard the escort services are havining great times tomorrow and Tuesday. And No the Dutch don’t offer any sign of shame on this. After all they invented the red light district, which is one of the main tourist attractions of Amsterdam. Even now whend they have closed shop for many ladies, because over the time they got a bit embarrassed and wanted to shrink the red light district.

For the Dutch it is easy to leave the wives home. Family is not that important anymore in this country. I also heard that they are getting rid of the caretakers of their old people. Also seniority is something that doesn’t count anymore in this country, but for sure they want to check your bin if you have a bit of radio active stuff you want to get rid of. They can use it, because in Petten the Dutch have a little outfit where they make radio active isotopes for medical use…can’t get rid of the process yet, as it is bringing too much profit…”

Wine and Water

Wine and Water

Wine and Water

The French do believe in fairy tales: Their Wine Museum in Paris is located in the ….Water street (or more precisely the Ch. Dickens square…still named after a fairy tale writer)

Wiener Schnitzel

Wiener Schnitzel first flour

For these schnitzel I took a piece of pork. Many people find veal better for the real schnitzel. Me too, but for this one I liked to experiment with pork. First you dip both sides in flour.

Wiener Schnitzel then egg

Then you dip both sides in egg. Some German gourmet friend of mine suggested to mix some cream through the egg. Will do that next time.

Wiener Schnitzel then breadcrumbs

Then dip the meat in the breadcrumbs. With family ties in Austria we tend to take the position the breadcrumbs have to come from Austria….

And then the schnitzel sizzels in the pan.

Finally the schnitzel sizzles in the pan. Use some kitchen paper to take away a bit of the butter before you serve them. Unfortunately the photo is a bit unsharp. I’ll replace it when i repeat the experiment next time.

Wiener Schnitzels

We’ve closed our small hotel Haagsche Suites. We’ve moved and we took some time off. In addition I took some time off from blogging.

What will I share with you from now on? Actually it is quite simple: More of the same you are used to. I’m more into food and more into selfies. But I’ve teamed up with another site. So you will be seeing me review hotels. And here one of my recipes: My way of making a Wiener Schnitzel.

The experiment with using pork instead of veal went well. It was a very tasty schnitzel.