Dutch Design (8): The Senz Storm Umbrella.


Three young Dutchman of 27 yrs have designed, developped and launched The Senz Storm Umbrella. It gets a lot of attention worldwide and they won a prestigious German 2007 Red Dot Award.

Even the Red Dot site is not up to date yet:-)

Again a nice amenity/gadget for a hotel.

Is your Betty Ready?

My Betty is Ready

Nancy Jarecki of NYC hadn’t planned on starting a cosmetics company, until a few years ago she noticed in a Roman hair salon a ritual whereby the ladies leaving the shop got a small envelope from their haircolorist. Asked what that was about, the receptionist answered “Per sotto per farli cobocaiari” meaning “For the hair down there”.

Back in the USA her own hair salon owner friend told her that there were no special coloring sets for the nether parts available in the USA, and if they would be available she believed her clients would love them as she would love to use them herself (admitting having a couple of gray hairs down there).

So Nancy started up Betty Beauty Com.

The amount of media attention she got in the mean time is astounding: According to Advertising Age of November 2006 an Alexa projected number of 2 mio unique visitors will hit her site on an annual basis. Allure of November 2006 applauded her under the funny title “Bush meet Betty ” for breaking a taboo.

Am I off topic? I don’t believe so. I think it is an excellent idea and it would be an excellent extra amenity for a Hotel or a Spa, a place where usually you have a little more time to soak in a nice bad and pay some extra attention to your body, than you allow yourself at home. Finally: if you look at my picture at the right, I believe you will understand that I know how the gray among us think:-)

Thanks to Constance’s Dutch Shopping Blogo

However, if you believe it to be too much of a hassle to color it down there, you can always think about using this line of Picture Perfect Panties:


The line will become available in black, brunette, blond and maybe red and perm also

Thanks to The Cool Hunter’s Pic of the day.

If you click through to the Flickr page you will find a male undie idea as well.

A Skeleton Attache: Ideal if you have no secrets nor dirty laundry.

Skeleton Attache 01

Hideo Stores stores sells this stylish attache. The designer is Hideo Wakamatsu, a Japanese designer based in Tokyo. He draws on Japanese and French design traditions.

Born and raised in Tokyo, Hideo is the scion of a family business that is Japan’s leading maker of “randoseru”raditional Japanese schoolbags. After studying Japanese and French art and literature in university in Japan, Hideo moved to Paris where he spent the next ten years immersing himself in European culture and working with a wide range of bag makers. He then brought this experience back to the family business in Japan, where his brand is headquartered. Hideo now lives in Tokyo, but regularly travels throughout Europe, Asia and North America.

It is also available in a trolley version. Maybe something to put your laptop in, so that you don’t have to take it out at the airport security (?).

Backpackers on High Heels

Backpackers on high heels

Backpackers on High Heels: Bangkok is a site that originates in Amsterdam, well the registrant has his address in Amsterdam. Currently it gives a stylish presentation about where to go, eat sleep and party in Bangkok.

Amsterdam, Hanoi and Bali are to follow soon.

Dutch Design (7): It drives and flies: PAL-V


PAL-V stands for a hybrid of a car, a motorbike and a gyrocopter: a Personal Air and Land Vehicle or a flying car. PAL-V is an initiative of Dutch entrepreneur John Bakker. John takes the Carver Technology one step further. The Carver technology has been developed by another Dutchman, Chris van den Brink.

Carver 01

Carver One is a closed fast three wheel tilting vehicle. The first production model has been on show at the Geneva Motor Show from 7-18 March 2007. Unfortunately they had to apply for bankruptcy in 2009. Some Carvers were produced however. and Carver Technology seems having survived.

The PAL-V project is yet in its first phase: looking for investors. Not a bad idea.