City Hall The Hague

City Hall The Hague

For 2019 I have decided to publish more of my photo’s albeit relevant or not so relevant. This photo was taken in June 2018 while a fence hid the building site of the new neighbour of The Hague’s City Hall. The new Music annex Dance Theater annex Music School of The Hague. The neighbour will be less white than the Ice Palace as is the local term for the City Hall.

Update: And I have created a special Category for it: Photo of the Day.

RedBull Knock Out Motorcross to celebrate 200 yr Scheveningen Beach Resort

November 10, 2018 Scheveningen is the place to be: The RedBull Knock Out motorcross on the sandy beach will contribute to the celebration of 200 years of Scheveningen’s beach resort. RedBull has produced a spectacular intro to this beach race by a motor cross driver Robbie Maddison who drives his motor over the Dutch canals and the canals of The Hague.

I’m proud dad as my dear daughter #2 sits in the 200 years Scheveningen celebration production team and more proud to see the son of good friends act as one of the cameraman for this spectacular stunt.



Hofwijck (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɦɔfʋɛik]; or Vitaulium in Latin) is a mansion built for 17th-century politician Constantijn Huygens. It is located in Voorburg on the Vliet canal from Den Haag to Leiden

After he became a widower, Huygens bought land on the Vliet in Voorburg with plans to build a summer home. At the time it was quite fashionable to have a summer home on a river or canal, and old maps of Voorburg show Hofwijck as one of many. The building itself and the gardens (originally on both sides of the Vliet) were designed by Huygens himself in cooperation with the Dutch architect Jacob van Campen. The estate was to be “a harmonious piece of paradise on earth, with a garden in God’s image and likeness.” Huygens was very much inspired by the works of classical Roman architect Vitruvius. Another Dutch Architect, Pieter Post, was in charge of the actual building activities.

The building was erected in unplastered brick and is in the Classicist style. It stands in the centre of a square swan pond.[1] Hofwijck was inaugurated in 1642 in the company of friends and relatives.

Source Wikipedia

If you book me as a skipper on the Willemsvaart on a nice day, you can make a similar photo.

Haagsche Harry

My Own photo of Haagsche Harry _DSC6173

Haagsche Harry is a comic character in a series of cartoons authored by Marnix Rueb. One of the ingredients that made the character popular was the use of typical Hague vernacular in stead of general Dutch. In addition Harry wasn’t shy of offering critical views of everything and everyone, in particular political types including mayors and Queen and King.

Unfortunately Marnix died October 14, 2014. Thanks to a collection and a stipend from The Hague a statue of Haagsche Harry has been created and placed in one of the main shopping streets of The Hague in remembrance of Marnix.

Marnix_Rueb The author, Marnix Rueb photo from Wikipedia.

Scheveningen 11 and Scheveningen 90

Scheveningen 90 en 11 _DSC4080

Scheveningen 11 and Scheveningen 90

I took this photo of the painting of the Scheveningen 11 and Scheveningen 90 by Hendrik Willem Mesdag in the Groninger Museum. I’m not sure whether the painting belongs to its collection or not.

I took the photo to use it for a post here about Hendrik Willem Mesdag, an important Dutch painter of the The Hague School.

We have a panorama in The Hague, Panorama Mesdag and we have the Mesdag Collection in The Hague, a small museum which consists of his former home and studio’s, but also of the small museum he built himself for his own art collection.