Dutch Design (8): The Senz Storm Umbrella.


Three young Dutchman of 27 yrs have designed, developped and launched The Senz Storm Umbrella. It gets a lot of attention worldwide and they won a prestigious German 2007 Red Dot Award.

Even the Red Dot site is not up to date yet:-)

Again a nice amenity/gadget for a hotel.

Dutch Design (7): It drives and flies: PAL-V


PAL-V stands for a hybrid of a car, a motorbike and a gyrocopter: a Personal Air and Land Vehicle or a flying car. PAL-V is an initiative of Dutch entrepreneur John Bakker. John takes the Carver Technology one step further. The Carver technology has been developed by another Dutchman, Chris van den Brink.

Carver 01

Carver One is a closed fast three wheel tilting vehicle. The first production model has been on show at the Geneva Motor Show from 7-18 March 2007. Unfortunately they had to apply for bankruptcy in 2009. Some Carvers were produced however. and Carver Technology seems having survived.

The PAL-V project is yet in its first phase: looking for investors. Not a bad idea.

Dutch Design (6): The Hague Tram Tunnel

The Hague Tram Tunnel

Sometimes you have to sit behind your computer screen and read a Blog post of someone far away in a foreign language (0300VD) to become a little bit proud of your own city where with a lot of difficulty a piece of the infrastructure has been knitted together and now attracts attention because of its architectonic value 🙂


Bruno van den Elshout

Because almost all van den Elshouts living in The Hague are distant relatives, Bruno van den Elshout is likely to be one of my distant relatives. He is 30 years younger than I am – happy him – and he lives around the corner.

I had spotted his PhotoLogix Photo Blog already some time ago. Now it appears he is spreading out with his work and gradually his Blog is becoming a real Travel Photo Blog. Therefor this plug.

Dutch Erfgoed (=Heritage) Hotels changes name into Historic Hotels of the Benelux


The association of Dutch Heritage hotels by the name of Erfgoed Hotels Benelux (erfgoed = Dutch for heritage) has changed its name into Historic Hotels of the Benelux. Its nice new brochure has already the new lay out. When everything goes all right, its old lay out of its website here above will change into the new lay out here below this week:


Historic Hotels of the Benelux is a member of Historic Hotels of Europe.

Historic Hotels of Europe is a partner of Historic Hotels of America