Long Tail
I might misunderstand the term, but in marketing and distribution the term Long Tail is frequently used to give the small independent entrepreneur or the small independent blogger like me hope to be able to earn a piece of the huge internet cake.
Chris Anderson is usually attributed the term Long Tail.
The theory of the Long Tail is that our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of “hits” (mainstream products and markets) at the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail. As the costs of production and distribution fall, especially online, there is now less need to lump products and consumers into one-size-fits-all containers. In an era without the constraints of physical shelf space and other bottlenecks of distribution, narrowly-targeted goods and services can be as economically attractive as mainstream fare.
But there is this very old post that stems from before Chris’ article.
Celebrity Hotelier
Almost two years ago I used the term “Celebrity Hotelier” in a post here to see if I could crank my visibility up. It was a success. Soon afterward I got confirmation from various sides that Google (Big Bro) picked me up as a Celebrity Hotelier. Big Bro even granted me frist page result for the search term Hotelier.
Even today it seems to work after several overhauls of Big Bro’s algorithm:
I’m still ranking as number 1 (and number 2) on page 1 for the term Celebrity Hotelier.
And position 4 or 5 on page 1 for the term Hotelier:
Quite possible I’m not able to circumvent the local search result algorithm of Big Bro, and that the conclusion is different from different parts of the world, would love to receive some feedback here.
Can Long mean Long time ago as well?
I got an e-mail today:
hi there.
this will sound very odd…
I am an architecture student in London. Last year I did a student design project set in Naples, which included a fictional character under the title ‘hotelier’. I needed an face for the character, so i typed ‘hotelier’ into google and found your picture.
I then did a pen drawing of the photograph for coherence of presentation… which I thought I would pass on!
The very photo of the earlier post worked into a drawing. Thanks Mate!
I know I may have stretched the term Long Tail a bit, but I found it funny this all came back after such a long time, especially in internet metrics where all seems focussed on here and now only…and may help defend my position.
In addition I also note that a Stumble by my blogging friend Barbara Weibel (@holeinthedonut) of A Hole in the Donut bears some influence on Big Bro as well.
Ha, this is ineteresting!! And congrats on scoring such a great sketch portrait 🙂
Just testing my blackberry over wifi commening possibilities
Great. your keyword ranking is shown on first page of Google. The term long tail is nice described by you.
After all these years, Guido is still the “celebrity hotelier”on the Internet. He’ll always be a celebrity to me!