Happy Halloween: Happy Hotelier’s 300 T-List Travel Related Blogs Ranked according to Technorati


Time to pick this up again. My last T-List Ranking Update dated back from January, 2008.

Technorati ranking as of today and yesterday
This ranking of the the T-List (Travel related Blogs) is according to the Technorati ranking as of today and yesterday. I know, a technorati ranking is not without errors and not without judgment of the Technorati people (and myself). Moreover. Not every blog is registered with Technorati. One person with a dot travel domain simply gets no technorati ranking whatever he tries. Kind of strange! You see the January rating in the last column. This time I have introduced a column with the number of Backlinks according to Technorati to enable finetuning a bit. It also helps to decide quickly to keep a blog in the list or not.

A horror Job
The whole operation is a kind of Horror Job. Therefore Halloween seemed an apt day to finish it and publish it.
First I collect the data in a Quattro Pro spreadsheet and match them with their corresponding Technorati ranking. The rating is put in manually. Then i cut and paste the spreadsheet into an HTM format. I copy and paste that into my Dreamweaver editor. In dreamweaver I can sort. If I sort in my spreadsheets I lose my carefully collected links….An excel spreadsheet won’t do. If readers know of a simpler method. Please let me know!.

Alexa ranking better?
I have been trying to combine this in one list with the corresponding Alexa ranking. But after filling in an Alexa ranking for many blogs that have rankings in the millions manually, I decided to leave it out. I may, or may not try to set up a smaller Alexa ranking for the top 100 or top 50 Travel Blogs. The funny thing is that an Alexa ranking may take into account the fact that a blog in incorporated into a larger multichannel site or portal and gets the ranking from other stuff than from merely their blogging activity. So I’m not sure about that. So I’m not so sure about the Alexa ranking.

Possibly incomplete and with errors
The list may not be without errors. I have simply forgotten people. Don’t hesitate to point me to your findings. I deleted some 30 Blogs from the January list. They simply disappeared from the radar or were sadly abandoned. Some Bloggers closed simply because they are afraid to divulge too many trade secrets…..

Why so many?
My main reason for keeping it long and rich, is to give new starters a chance to get a bit of visibility and nudge to go on with their work. Blogging about travel is a tedious, long hours behind your computer and a difficult-to-maintain job. It definitely doesn’t bring you a lot of money, but if you are passionate about it, like I am and a lot of fellow Bloggers are, you will be rewarded with a slowly, but gradually growing network of fellow travel bloggers. It can bring you a lot of fun. Also the Bloggers on this list can give you a lot of inspiration how to do things. Therefor, with pleasure I present now 300 Travel Bloggers, the longest list to date:

Update November 2, 2008:
Thanks to Sam Daams I managed to make this list sortable. You can find it at Sortable T-List November 2. I don’t know yet how to incorporate it in a blog post (still testing!)


Blog Name






1 Travel Pod Destination 9,664 324,674 2409 En US
2 Gadling Travel 1,985 26,277 1445 En US
3 Serious Eats Food 1,935 15,746 1353 Sp Peru
4 Gridskipper Destination 1,354 4,335 1372 En US
5 Waiter Rant Waiter 916 2,156 782 En US
6 Japan Probe Destination 850 2,789 1264 En Jap
7 Grub Street NY Mag Food Food 742 4,008 851 En US
8 Jaunted Destination 647 6,895 670 En US
9 HotelChatter Travel 417 1,701 387 En Us
10 Island Life Destination 392 3,304 451 En US
11 My Marrakesh Destination 372 2,137 378 En Mor
12 World Hum Travel 329 2,056 427 En US
13 Intelligent Travel (Nat Geo) Travel 321 1,495 229 En US
15 Diario del Viajero Travel 317 2,260 396 SP SP
14 Brave New Traveler Travel 317 1,251 346 En Can
16 Vinography: A Wine Blog Wine 308 1,860 465 En US
17 Vagabondish Travel 225 1,125 131 En US
18 Buenos Aires Daily Photo 190 764 177 En Arg
19 Elliott Travel 163 1,433 197 En US
20 Delicious Baby Travel 163 442 0 En US
21 Marriot on the Move Hotel Reviews 162 401 104 En US
22 Upgrade Travel Better (New) Air Travel 159 671 264 En US
23 The Perrin Post Travel 142 380 0 En US
24 The Delicious Llfe Food 139 374 164 En US
26 The Hague Daily Photo Blog Photo 136 535 156 En NL
25 Vagablogging Travel 136 343 176 En US
27 Blog de Viajes Travel 2.0 132 605 203 Sp Sp
28 Nomadic Matt Travel 118 697 0 En US
29 Albert Barra Marketing 116 1,741 146 Sp Sp
30 Newyorkology Destination 113 483 222 En US
31 Megustaelturismo Air Travel 107 592 77 Sp Sp
32 Nerds Eye View Travel 105 242 0 En US
33 TravelBlog.it Destination 104 783 136 It It
35 The Cranky Flier Air Travel 101 436 107 En US
34 The Lost Girls Backpackers 101 216 135 En US
36 Travel Rants Travel 99 580 107 En UK
37 Rick Seaney Air Travel 98 299 57 En US
38 Uptake Blog Destination 95 354 71 En US
39 New York Traveler.net Destination 92 355 9 En US
40 Farecastblog.com Air Travel 91 86 0 En US
41 Les Explorers Travel 2.0 90 580 188 FR/En Fr
42 Traveling Mamas Travel 89 294 0 En US
43 DondeViajar.es Travel 87 1,372 114 Sp SP
44 Well Done Fillet Destination 85 254 72 Sp Peru
45 Randy’s Journal Air Travel 84 286 112 En US
46 Europe String Destination 77 664 76 En NL
47 Wandalust Travel 77 378 147 En UK
48 Hotelmarketing Com Marketing 76 1,538 120 En US
49 Family Travel Family Travel 76 687 110 EN US
50 Life Cruiser Travel 76 256 0 En Sw
51 Travolution Blog (old) Marketing 73 866 105 En UK
52 Geeky Traveler Gadgets 71 994 77 En US
53 Hotel Blogs by Guillaume Thevenot Hotel Reviews 70 1,423 90 En UK
55 Amateur Traveler Travel 69 393 60 En US
54 Bajo Coste Air Travel 69 214 170 En US
55 El Blog de un Hotel Marketing 66 271 103 Sp Sp
56 Soul Travelers 3 Travel 65 181 0 En
57 Europe A La Carte Blog Destination 64 557 46 En UK
58 Restaurant Girl Rest. Reviews 64 505 96 En US
59 Globorati Luxury Travel 63 319 40 En US
60 Hotels and City Blogs Hotel Reviews 63 195 183 En Can
61 Hotel and City Blog Destination 63 195 183 En Can
62 Hotel hotsheet Travel 62 166 89 En US
64 Cool Travel Guide Travel 62 164 0 En Dub
65 Happy Hotelier Hotelier 60 212 53 En NL
66 m-Travel.com Air Travel 59 97 49 En US
67 Viator Travel Blog Travel 58 428 78 En ??
68 The Lobby from SPG Hotel Reviews 58 165 49 EN US
69 Barmaid Blog Waiter 58 121 70 En US
70 This non-American Life Expat 56 167 72 En Ch
71 Tourismus – Zukunft Travel 2.0 55 167 37 Ger Ger
72 Perceptive Travel Destination 54 314 53
73 TripCart :: The Travel Blog Destination 54 183 57 En US
74 A Luxury Travel Blog Luxury Travel 53 340 113 En UK
75 Toni Mascaro Blog Barcelona Destination 52 210 40 Sp Sp
76 Tourism Internet Marketing Blog 2.0 Marketing 52 128 71 En Can
77 I Travelnet Destination 52 74 7
78 Vagablond Luxury Travel 50 257 77 En US
79 Edu Williams Travel 2.0 49 280 50 En US
80 Line of sight Travel 49 195 48 En Arg
81 Fox Nomad Travel 47 105 35 En
82 Foodaholic Food 45 88 95 En Aus
83 Clan Destinos Destination 43 177 0 Sp Sp
84 Notes From The Road Photo 43 84 35 En US
85 E Hotelier Com News 42 306 87 En US
86 Living with Legends (Chelsea NYC) On Site 41 606 127 En US
87 Hotel Blogs by Guillaume Hotel Reviews 41 512 53 En UK
88 The Informed Traveler Hotel Reviews 41 283 55 EN US
89 Aquela Passagem Destination 41 142 61 Port Brasil
90 The Boot Air Travel 40 267 56 En Aus
91 Killing Batteries Hotel Reviews 40 158 47 En Eur
92 de viaje a Brasil Travel 38 460 56 Port Brasil
93 Rolling Rains Report Travel 38 240 52 En US
94 Travel Weekly UK Blog Marketing 38 167 42 En UK
95 Juan Lopez Sobejano Marketing 37 226 71 Sp Sp
96 blog.entornao Travel 2.0 37 124 30 Sp
97 Absolut BCN – Blog de Barcelona Destination 35 161 56 Sp Sp
98 BedJump.com Bed Jumping 35 90 82 En Can
99 Marketing Turistico Marketing 34 114 56 SP Sp
100 The Sydney Morning Herald Backpackers 34 77 64 En Aus
101 Buenos Aires Faded Elegance Destination 33 63 58 En Arg
102 My Pueblo Bonito Destination 33 34 0 En
103 Travel LA Times Travel 32 1,218 0 En US
104 Travel LA Times Travel 32 1,218 0 En US
105 Euro Cheapo Blog Indusrry 32 151 0 En En
106 Apartment Therapy Kitchen Food 32 119 373 Sp Peru
107 Travel Blissful Travel 31 93 101 En UK
108 Hotels, Friends and more Marketing 30 66 37 Sp Sp
109 Despegar Travel 2.0 29 565 61 Sp Arg
110 Tim Leffel’s Cheapest Destinations Destination 28 119 81 En US
111 Kulinarisch Reisen Marketing 28 104 54 Ger Au
112 Future Gringo Travel 28 47 0 En US
113 Le Gourmand Food 28 0 0 Ger Ger
114 Exposed Planet Photo 27 61 31 En NL
115 High Culture on a Low Budget Things to do 27 56 0 En
116 Travel Blogs Com Aggregator 26 130 26 En US
117 Hotels of the Rich and Famous Hotels 26 86 48 En US
118 Miss Expatria Destination 26 77 17 En It
119 GletcherBlog Destination 26 56 27 Sp Peru
120 Gourmet Station Blog Food 25 228 0 En ?
121 Brazil Travel Blog Destination 25 90 35 SP Brasil
122 Hostel buenos Aires Hotel Reviews 24 116 45 Sp Arg
123 La Coctelera: ZuHause – Inicio Photo 24 40 43 Sp Sp
124 Diane Clarkson Marketing 24 32 0 En US
125 Travel Wonders of the World Travel 22 29 0 En Aus
126 Tips From The T List Aggregator 21 100 0 En Can
127 Buenos Aires Argentina Guide Destination 21 57 70 En Arg
128 The Travel Cooler Photo 21 56 104 En US
129 Escapadas Europa. Destination 21 55 34 SP Sp
130 Blog City Trip Destination 20 281 0 Ger CH
131 Viajar Asia. Destination 20 58 34 SP Sp
132 Flickr Scotland Group Destination 20 44 0 En UK
133 City Guide-cc UGC 19 1,420 30 En
134 Buenos Aires through my eyes Destination 19 65 31 En Arg
135 Trusted Places Destination 19 48 24 En UK
136 Blog De Sao Paolo Destination 18 183 28 Sp Peru
137 Tracking Tourism Travel Solo 18 78 20 Eng UK
138 Social Diva Destination 18 28 36
139 Ofertas de Viaje Destination 18 28 58 SP Arg
140 Tango Diva Travel Blog Solo Woman 17 2,340 53 En US
141 E Tourism Info Tourism 17 144 23 Fr Fr
142 Travelvice Air Travel 17 80 27 En
143 Blog on Travel Travel 2.0 17 57 109 En UK
144 Primera Clase Air Travel 17 55 47 SP SP
145 I Love Indonesia Destination 17 37 8 En Ind
146 The Wine Camp Blog Wine 16 118 14 En US
147 BootsnALL Company Blog Travel 16 54 65 En US
148 Web 2.0 Travel Tools Travel 2.0 16 35 46 En ??
149 New York Traveler Destination 15 99 56 En US
150 Rambling Traveler Travel 15 69 124 En US
151 Discover the French Riviera Destination 15 0 21 En Fr
152 Fasten Your Seatbelts Marketing 14 175 131 Ger Au
153 Tourism Tecnology Trends Technology 14 128 29 En US
154 Travel Blogger CH Travel 14 83 0 Ger CH
155 Vacant Ready (COM) Hotel Reviews 14 78 44 En Can
156 Travel Babel Travel 14 69 26 En US
157 Hole in the Donut Travel 14 54 0 EN US
158 Adirondack Base Camp Destination 14 46 27 En US
159 Explorando Peru Destination 14 37 36 Sp Peru
160 Travel Technology Hotelier 14 28 0 En US
161 Travel and Web 2.0 Marketing 14 17 33 En US
162 Reise Tafel Destination 13 84 12 Ger Ger
163 Two Dog Zoo Travel Stories 13 36 15 En US
164 What The Waiter Knows Destination 13 10 9 En Ire
165 Mapplr Destination 12 101 0 En NL
166 Luxury Vacations @ Suite 101 Travel 12 79 0 En
167 InflightHQ Air Travel 12 46 37 En US
168 Get a Room! Hotels 12 31 0 EN
169 Zeitgeist Marketing 12 30 28 En US
170 The Trippist, Amsterdam Destination 12 21 16 En NL
171 Hotel I Tour Travel 2.0 12 14 0 En Fr
172 General Manager (Opus) Hotelier 11 99 26 En Can
173 Foreign Perspectives Destination 11 57 128 En Fr
174 Wilhelmus Travel 11 40 17 En Can
175 Bitacora de Viajes Travel 11 33 44 Sp Arg
176 Hoosta Hotels 11 19 3 En UK
177 Rumboperdido Destination 11 19 20 Sp Aus
178 BA Spotting Destination 11 13 16 En Arg
179 Your Daily Vacation Travel 11 6 10 En
180 Tripinator Travel 2.0 10 93 5 En US
181 De Viajero.com Destination 10 51 39 Port
182 Chileno-Living in Santiago Destination 10 27 46 Sp Chile
183 Prepara Tu Viaje Travel 10 25 14 Sp Sp
184 Touristikblog.de Travel 2.0 10 19 21 Ger Ger
185 Living in France Destination 10 17 20 En FR
186 France This Way Destination 10 17 20 En Fr
187 Es Mi Peru Destination 10 14 21 Sp Peru
188 WiWiH Blog Aggregator 10 0 0 En NL
189 Idea Hatching Marketing 9 46 0 En US
190 Nos vamos de turismo! Destination 9 41 15 Sp Arg
191 BuhlerWorks by Joe Buhler Travel 2.0 9 37 21 En US
192 Trip Advisor Hotel Reviews 9 34 0 En US
193 Kirkland Weblog Destination 9 34 10 En US
194 Tourism Tide Destination 9 24 15
195 Dimitious Journeys 9 14 0 En UK
196 What A Trip Travel 9 13 0 En US
197 Travel Alltop Linksite 8 96 0 En US
198 VibeAgent Blog Hotels 8 31 17 En US
199 ADV Italia (new) Travel Agents 8 26 17 It It
200 CampingCoop.org Travel Stories 8 23 60 En US
201 Road Gladiator Air Travel 8 19 43 En US
202 Joe Nguyen Hotelier 8 16 0 En Mal
203 Blog Travello Destination 8 14 0 Ger Ger
204 Cheap Travel from Seattle Travel 8 10 0 En US
205 En Trancision Destination 8 4 17 SP AR
206 The Travel & Hospitality Diaries Hospitality 7 101 29 En US
207 Air France Mexico – Weblog Air Travel 7 62 36 En Mex
208 Cruise Bug Chatter Cruise 7 20 0 En
209 The Suite Life Hotels 7 19 5 En
201 Bird to the North Destination 7 16 19 En US
211 Passions of a Zealot Hotel Property 7 16 19 En US
212 Me-go: Around-the-World World Travel 7 15 19 En US
213 The Travel PR Blog Travel 2.0 7 15 28 En Uk
214 Ibiza a pie de foto Photo 7 13 11 SP Sp
215 Hawthorne Hotel Hotelier 7 13 29 En US
216 Hotel Blog Esp Marketing 7 13 36 Sp Sp
217 Canary Nightlife Destination 7 2 0 En SP
218 Radaron Travel 2.0 6 27 42 En Can
219 Ken Burgin Marketing 6 19 4 En Aus
220 Dot Tourism Blog Marketing 6 19 29 En Can
221 Canadian Tourism Destination 6 16 11 En Can
222 My Travel Backpack Backpackers 6 13 19 En Can
223 Hot & Cool Blog Travel 6 10 0 En Aus
224 Entreprendre dans le e-Tourisme Travel 2.0 6 8 18 Fr Fr
225 Boldly Go Solo Travel Solo 5 51 0 En US
226 Holiday Pad 2.0 Accomodation 5 20 16 En UK
227 Relactions blog Travel 5 14 27 En US
228 Relactions Blog Marketing 5 14 0 En It
229 TravelerWIRE Hotel Reviews 5 13 31 En US
230 LadyBug & Co Destination 5 13 26 Sp Peru
231 Bart Cat Travel Blog Destination 5 9 6 En Afg
232 Der Barcelona Blog Destination 5 9 6 Ger Sp
233 Better Living Through Travel Hotels 5 8 0 En US
234 Cool Hotels Hotel Reviews 5 7 10 En
235 Travels With Two Travel 5 6 0 En US
236 Chanters Lodge Hotelier 4 2,237 0 En Kenia
237 Destination Essentials Travel Agents 4 24 1 En UK
238 Trabber Noticias Air Travel 4 19 25 Sp Sp
239 Under The Rotunda Marketing 4 16 45 En Aus
240 Round Trip Marketing 4 16 0 Ger Ger
241 Wine Goddess Wine 4 13 18 En US
242 Tourisme et Internet Tourism 4 10 11 Fr Fr
243 Football Travel Blog Travel 4 6 5 En Uk
244 Los viajes de Jota Travel 4 6 17 Sp
245 Bull City Muttering Mice 4 5 18 En US
246 New York Hospitality Hotelier 4 5 20 En US
247 Hotel Warrior Hotelier 4 3 5 En US
248 Commercializacion Hoteles Marketing 4 1 18 Sp
249 MACO Caribbean Living Destination 4 0 20 En Carrib
250 Afrika Tourism Destination 3 `14 0 En Afr
251 Hotel Blogs Org Aggregator 3 12 10 En US
252 Online travel Review Air Travel 3 10 41 En US
253 UK Airports Blog Airports 3 9 15 En UK
254 Hotel Beds Travel 3 7 5 En Can
255 Luxury Spain Travel Luxury Travel 3 7 0 En Sp
256 Weekendhotel Weblog Hotel Reviews 3 6 11 Dutch NL
257 Hotel Bathrooms Exposed Hotel Reviews 3 5 4 En Can
258 Home Based Travel Agent Travel 2 17 20 En US
259 Travel Horizons Destination 2 10 24 En Aus
260 Brand Canada Blog Marketing 2 9 20 En Can
261 Travel Advice and Guides Travel 2 6 0 En US
262 Brasilien Destination 2 4 35 Ger Brasil
263 Focus Barcellona Destination 2 3 0 It Sp
264 Intermundial Travel Insurance 2 2 19 Sp Sp
265 Epoca Alta Air Travel 2 2 2 Port
266 Hotel Marketing Strategies Marketing 2 2 o En US
267 Travel Blog 24 Travel 2 2 0 Ger Ger
268 Blog Untangle My Web Marketing 1 9 0 En Aus
269 Radar On FR Travel 1 7 1 Fr Can
270 Luxury UK Travel Luxury Travel 1 7 0 En Sp
271 Traveling Cari Travel 1 6 5 En US
272 The Preferred Guest Destination 1 5 9 En Gr
273 eurotrip Travel 1 3 23 Sp Arg
274 Blog.rydges.com Destination 1 3 24 En US
275 Artist At Large Travel 1 3 0 En US
276 The Cottage Lake Placid Hotelier 1 2 5 En US
277 The Materialist (Concierge) Travel 1 2 17 En US
278 The McCluskey Blog Marketing 1 2 15 En US
279 Kenya Holidays Blog Destination 1 2 0 En Kenia
280 Nautilia in English Travel 1 1 1 En Sp
281 Most beautiful Hotels Hotel Reviews 1 1 7 En
282 Open TS Database 1 1 0 Ger Ger
283 Lonely Planet | Travel Blog Destination 0 6,848 0 En
284 Guardian Travel Travel 0 3,964 0 En UK
285 Real Travel Travel 0 620 0 En
286 Argentina’s Travel Guide Destination 0 576 0 En Arg
287 Where the Hell is Matt Travel 0 266 0 En US
288 Nile Cruise 4U Cruise 0 130 0 En Uk
289 Hotel Law Blog Destination 0 109 0 Sp Peru
290 Viaje na Viagem Destination 0 106 242 Port Brasil
291 Travolution Blog (new) Marketing 0 29 0 En UK
292 Blog Trippers Aggregator 0 16 0
293 Hoteles Hotel Reviews 0 7 0 SP Sp
294 Der FVW Blog Destination 0 7 0 Ger Ger
295 Andalucia for Holidays Destination 0 5 0 En Sp
296 La Descricion del Mundo Travel 0 3 0
297 Tour Cochise County Destination 0 3 9 En US
298 Select World Travel Travel 0 0 0 En UK
299 Hotel Industry Pros Hoteliers 0 0 0 En US
300 Jetset Away Luxury Travel 0 0 0 En US

In case you wonder what T-List stand for, read my T-List category.

42 thoughts on “Happy Halloween: Happy Hotelier’s 300 T-List Travel Related Blogs Ranked according to Technorati”

  1. I enjoyed this list and found some new blogs to read.

    Might you consider adding my blog, Travels with Children, to a future edition?

    Thanks for all you do for the travel-writing world!

  2. Hi Guido,
    Thanks for putting “What a Trip” on the ‘front’ burner. I love the Boots boyz, but my blog wasn’t getting much attention over there. I’m happy to have my own domain name for my site.

    Thanks for putting together this list. I’m sure it was a lot of work!

  3. @ Linda
    Sure, no problem, but I really don’t know if I and when I will (want to) find the time again to do this:-)
    @ Barbara
    You were on the list already. As you see you have a ranking now with Technorati. Although it is still sometimes flaky….And yes I went back to Misty again….but if you wish you can use one of the presently 3 other themes if you press one of them see the label Switch Theme. At least you now have an answer to your e-mail question and I am glad I have solved the myriad problems I had with this blog:-).

  4. Great and interesting list. Thanks for compiling it. Definitely interesting to see new bloggers as well as some regulars I read – and keeps up my interest of sharing little corners of the world that I find.

    james.. futuregringo.com [account suspended alas]

  5. HH-
    Thanks for the list.
    I’m astounded I’m on this at all. Would you offer some assistance in helping me/us figure out how to improve technorati ratings? I’ve signed up with them but that’s about it. Is there something else I/we should be doing?
    I get all these nice comments when people finally land on my blog. It would be great if I could figure out how to get it in front of more people. Become a millionaire, retire, yadda, yadda….
    Thanks again,

  6. Hi there,
    That does sound like a nasty manual process. Seems to me like you need two short scripts: one to scrape the rankings from technorati and a second to parse the data results and spit out an html file.
    If you stored the data in excel, you could use something a simple as vbscript to do at least the second task for you – just a suggestion.

  7. Guido
    Thanks for doing the ranking. Am thrilled to find the BOOT in the top 100. I am interested to hear your thoughts on the classification of the BOOT as being on the subject of “Air Travel”. I try in the blog to cover the a variety of commercial aspects around the business of online travel including OTAs and category focused intermediaries, suppliers (air and hotel) and general online travel industry trends.



  8. @ Ellen
    I believe the best thing you can do is going on doing what you are doing. It’s all a matter of time. For some time I had the idea that I should get more focus on this blog…then I abandoned that idea again and see now I was right…just be your self and you will attract the audience that suits you best. Maybe some syndication here and there…but there are pros and cons. This blog is syndicated on Tips of the T-list….that picked this post up so fast that the technorati back links to various blogs of the list are from Tips and not from me. This maybe proves the right of the cons…but I have to admit that in the translation between the spreadsheet and the htm there was an error code occurring that I had to weed out mannually as soon as I had pushed the “Publish” button.

    @ Beth
    Thank you for pointing me to vb script. I’ll have a look into it.

    Not only in mileage you are on the top:-) Maybe from that I got the idea of Air Travel. I don’t know anymore. The classification process was and is arbitrary. I would welcome any better suggestion.

    @ Hotelmarketing Blog
    I am glad the language barrier that I see between the English language blogs and the German Language blogs on the one hand and the Spanish language blogs on the other hand ( not to forget the French), didn’t prevent you from posting about the list.


  9. Hi Guido,

    Thanks for doing so much work to compile this list!

    Just wanted to let you know that the Family Travel blog URL has changed….it is now http://www.familytravellogue.com but it is still hosted on BootsnAll.

    The old URL will redirect, but of course it will take time for the new URL to regain authority level in Technorati, Google, etc.

    Best wishes,


  10. Okay, I have to ask. If travelpod as a whole site is considered a blog, then can we please have travellerspoint added to the list too? I realize this is probably due to technorati not following their own classification of blog, but argh, how did they get on the t-list? Especially looking at their home page with nofollow highlighting switched on seems to indicate they’re not really about blogging anymore 😉 Guys like bootsnall would surely also love to see all their hundreds/thousands of blogs lumped into one and given weighting together.

  11. Nice work Guido as usual.
    I was looking for a list of travel/leisure blogs to add to my Google reader, so good timing.

  12. @ Sam

    I believe you are right! Sorry! You would be at place 5! You will be in the next edition.

    Thanks a lot for the pointer. If I can get it working, it might help with adjustments and keeping this a bit more up to date (and weed errors out)…


    I’ve come up with a bare HTML sortable table here: Sortable Table. I’ve found no way to incorporate it in a Blog post yet….

    Edited November 3, 2008

  13. Well done Guido on painstaking process it seems. The new Travo blog is included now, as far as Technorati is concerned, within the main Travo site, so you can use this link as your guide perhaps.

    If you’re allowing travelpod to aggregate all their links for a myriad of blogs into one listing, then you can for us as well eh? 🙂

    In addition i wouldn’t have labelled us as a ‘marketing’ blog, sorry.

    We are a good, er, old fashioned media company blogging away like the rest of you.

    Also, one of the quirks of a list like this is that you are reliant on a system like Technorati, when we all know there are hundreds of good blogs out there where, for whatever reason, their owners have decided not to list on Technorati.

    Bainbridge’s Musings on Travel Ecommerce is an obvious one.

    Keep us the good work, Guido. See you in Hell (sorry, ExCel, for World Travel Market). 🙂

  14. @ Kevin

    First I had to dig up your comment up from under my askimet spam filter (-:

    You can find the new Travolution Blog on place 291. In the next version the old one will be discarded.

    I am the first one to admit the technorati measuring is fallible. The Technorati site itself is unstable as on one moment they give 0 backlinks and 0 authority and the next moment – like with the new Travolution Blog – they give backlinks 836 and authority 78…But I can’t see anything better at the moment. One item speaks in their favor and that is that they only measure 185 days of backlinks. So the inactive blogs disappear gradually.

    Now how would you describe your blog in one word apart from Media?

    And poor Alex. I have to apology, because I simply forgot about him like Everything Everywhere…and maybe many others.

  15. Thanks for the link…and compiling this list. It’s a great resource for the travel community, and a nice encouragement to all of us bloggers.

  16. I agree with your assessment about Alexa not being the best indicator. By their own admission, any ranking over 100K is a rough estimate, and the higher the ranking the less accurate it becomes. So a 7 Million blog could have tons of traffic, but just hasn’t been picked up by Alexa.

    Is there a way to add a site? My site http://almostfearless.com/ is new this year, but I’d love to see it added. Thanks!

  17. What an awesome job, HH! I’d allowed the T-List to slip my mind, but this looks outstanding. And the T-List is definitely a valuable resource of travel blogs. 🙂

  18. Thank you, thank you! I just recently discovered this list, and now my couples’ travel blog, Travels With Two, is ON it!

    It feels good to know there’s a big travel blogging community out there, and that I’m in such good (and far-reaching) company.

    Hooray for all of us!

    Melanie Waldman
    Travels With Two

  19. Hi Guido,

    I’m a SEO professional who works with many travel-based clients, and I question Technorati to compile your list of top 300 blogs. Technorati’s rankings are based on links, but do not reflect traffic or influence. Links are definitely not the same as traffic or influence. There’s a saying in the SEO biz that many MANY links go unclicked.

    As someone who is well acquainted with the online travel scene, I immediately noticed that several notable influential blogs have a much larger following than the blogs in your top 20. The Perrin Post, for example, and Arthur Frommer’s blog, are far more influential than either Delicious Baby or Island Life. And surely their traffic stats are much, much higher too, so how could this list possibly make sense to anyone? Perhaps they are undervalued by Technorati because they are part of larger sites (Concierge and Frommers, respectively). So what about all the other blogs contained within larger sites? They are presumably undervalued as well by Technorati and thus on your list.

    I suppose I’m a skeptic and find lists quite arbitrary, and as a SEO professional I know how flawed Technorati is as an indicator of popularity. Unless you have access to the traffic reports, which you obviously do not, then I’m afraid I don’t see how this is a true reading of what’s really “the top” of the travel blog field.

    If you Google phrases like “blog travel deals,” “blog family travel,” “blog ski vacations,” “blog travel news,” and so on, you’ll find many top travel blogs that have been left out of your list. Their high Google ranking tells you they are popular–and often more popular than those at the top of this list.


  20. I’ve seen lists from other niches that use a combination of Alexa, Technorati, Page Rank and Complete.com. RSS subscribers would also be good, but that information isn’t available for every site.

    I also think you should separate corporate sites and independent sites. They are really in different classes. You could make a list with National Geographic, Conde Nast, Discovery Channel and Expedia, but it really won’t say much.

  21. Great list. Definatley shooting to make the list next time you run it.
    The DC Traveler & Travel Photo Daily

  22. (retrying post?)
    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who made this list!
    While you’re at it, I’m inviting everyone to visit, subscribe, or just mosey around Traveling12Feet.com!

    Fellow travelers, photographers, RVers and campers, film makers, pet owners – even pasta lovers (me too), come be part of our travels!

    Thanks and see you there!

  23. @ Lalacan You just commented while I was editing my newest post on top lists of travel blogs. Check it out!

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