Vienna Street Artist (Street Art 20)

Vienna Street Artist 1

One of the reasons I like to visit Vienna in summertime is the quality of the street artists performing there. A real gem of destination marketing by this guy.

Vienna Street Artist 2

He’s able to sit still for hours, but can move:
Vienna Street Artist

When someone wants to make a photo.

Vienna Street Artists

Or when his partner comes along…

The Hague’s Stork by Frans Schmit


It’s official now: The stork in The Hague’s coat of arms has its own book: The Hague’s Stork by Frans Schmit. The cover of the book has a photo of the official silver livery collar of the Mayor of The Hague which, of course, has a stork in it.

Today, on his birthday (hence on july 7, 2011 at 7.00 hr PM), Frans Schmit presented the first copy of his book officially in Paagman’s bookshop.

It features many photos of the stork and has a walking route through the Hague Center that highlights all the storks that you can find at various buildings. Frans has collected over 1.400 storks thusfar and discovers every day more photos. You can find a large part his collection on his Flickr set De Haagse Ooievaar

10 Questions for (41): Daniel Edward Craig

Daniel Edward Craig (@DCraig) hardly needs an introduction. Online he is a well known hotelier who became a writer and a hotel consultant. Happy to have him here.
Daniel Edward Craig portrait

1) Who Are you?

I’m Daniel Edward Craig and I’m an author, consultant and astronaut. I specialize in online reputation management, storytelling and social media strategy for hotels and the travel industry. The astronaut bit is an example of storytelling.
In 2008, after almost 20 years in hotels and tourism, I left my position as a hotel general manager to focus on writing. In my first book, Murder at the Universe, the owner of a hotel gets murdered. That premise alone sold a lot of books to hospitality employees.

These days I work on projects, conduct seminars, administer my blog and seem to waste a great deal of time. I’m also supposed to be working on my next book, a non-fictional insider’s look at the hotel business.

2) What do you like about what you do?

I love connecting with people around the world via social media and learning about innovation. As an independent consultant I work from home, which gives me flexibility—in theory at least. I’m passionate about hotels and travel, and I’m lucky to be able to combine my profession with my personal interests. But I miss my expense account as a hotel manager.

3) What don’t you like about what you do?

A lot of my work involves writing. Having written books I find blog posts and 140-character tweets a challenge. Writers are always happy to find excuses not to write, and social media might just be my downfall. I can’t resist clicking links, and suddenly it’s three days later. So I try to stay involved in a variety of consulting projects. I miss working as part of a team—and especially delegating.

4) Please tell us all about your blog and your aims with it.

My blog started out as the General Manager’s Blog while I was managing Opus way back in the swinging sixties of internet years: 2006. After I left Opus it morphed into my author blog. Today it focuses on my consulting business and is intended as a resource for hoteliers and travel marketers. Lately I can’t seem to stop writing about online reputation management. It’s a hot topic. My goal is to make my business mobile so I can run it from anywhere in the world—or even better, so it can run itself.

5) Your top 3 destination experiences you’ve ever stayed to date and why?

I’m a city boy. I get sweaty palms if I’m in the country for more than a few days. Paris is my favorite city. I spent four months there two summers ago and it was like residing in a living, breathing museum with a bakery every twenty steps. Next it’s Barcelona, and then Rome. These cities haven’t seen the last of me.

6) Your top 3 accommodations you’ve ever stayed to date and why?

My impressions of a hotel depend on the nature of travel. Here are three that were the right place at the right time.

Fun: The Gansevoort. I took my executive staff to New York a few years ago to experience the latest and greatest. In 72 hours we stayed in three hotels and checked out 50 more hotels, bars and restaurants and had at least as many cocktails. Saturday night we stayed at the Gansevoort in the Meatpacking District. It was the ideal base for a night on the town.

Business: The St. Regis San Francisco. I stayed here in April for a TripAdvisor event. The hotel strikes the perfect blend of five-star luxury with a modern feel and warm, unpretentious service. Plus I liked the in-room technology, or at least the idea of it—I never figured out how to turn on the TV.

Romance: Hotel le Seven Paris. I stayed here in February and was blown away by the bold, imaginative design of rooms and suites. It’s ambitious but somehow it works. The hotel is small and a bit off the beaten track—the perfect hideaway for a tryst with your Parisian paramour.

7) Your top 3 most memorable food / wine experiences to date and why?

My perfect meal hasn’t changed since my days as a backpacker in Europe: great cheese, a baguette and a bottle of good red wine, consumed on a warm summer day on a patch of grass in the presence of a historic monument.

When someone else was paying I used to go to the Four Seasons Georges V in Paris for a drink in the lounge. It’s the height of Parisian opulence, with drinks starting at about $30 each, but the people-watching is fascinating and so far I haven’t been asked to leave.

On Vancouver Island last year friends and I stumbled upon a restaurant called Norwoods and we still rave about the meal. Later I discovered it’s the #1-rated restaurant in BC on TripAdvisor.

8) Your 3 worst destination/ accommodation /food experiences to date and why?

I love Miami, but the local practice of adding an automatic 18 to 20% tip while simultaneously providing appalling service is a bit irritating.

When I was in Copenhagen over twenty years ago a bomb exploded about twenty feet away from me. I know it wasn’t personal, but it’s hard to look past something like that.

At 29 I accepted a job as a director of sales and marketing at a resort on a remote island in the South Pacific. It was paradise, but island fever set in the moment I arrived. I lasted a month. As I mentioned, I’m a city boy.

9) Can you offer the readers 3 destination/ food / accomodation / things to do tips about the city you are currently living in?

Vancouver is best experienced from the seawall, and ideally on a bike, rollerblades, a kayak or the back of a grizzly bear. The backdrop of mountains, ocean and forest is stunning. Take a ride on an Aquabus and watch the City of Glass sparkle from the water. The fresh, cheap, succulent sushi will convert even the most militant raw-fish skeptic. Then rent a car and drive to Whistler. Please don’t feed the bears or shoot squirrels on your way.

10) Any Question(s) you’d expected me to ask that you would like to answer


My Take

Thank you Daniel for being my guest. Actually I have tons of questions, but I’ll come back to them later due to a wobbly computer or connection.

10 Questions For (40): Forest Key of buuteeq

Esme Vos who I interviewed in 10 Questions for (7): Esme Vos of Mapplr, met Forest and introduced us. So here is my 40ieth interview with the creator of a great product for hoteliers.
Forest Key and wife Christina in Huangshang (Yellow) Mountain China

1) Who Are you?

My name is Forest Key. I’m the founder and CEO of a new company called buuteeq which makes a system for hotels to manage their online marketing. I’m a father of 2 great kids and together with them and my wife, an absolute travel junkie (have lived long term in Chile, China, Spain, and done many long extended trips throughout the world). I started my career in film and technology and was a editor and CGI artist for George Lucas’ company “ILM” – Industrial Light and Magic (yes, I actually worked on Star Wars and other blockbuster style movies, was a lot of hard work but a lot of fun). Together with another ILM guy I co-founded a company that made tools for the visual effects industry (my first experience as an entrepreneur)—our product “Commotion” was used on many of the most important movies of the era, including Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, and the Star Wars prequels. More recently I was the product manager for Flash (I was responsible for designing many of the video capabilities in the platform) and then worked at Microsoft for 6 years in charge of marketing for various web development technologies, before leaving to start buuteeq.

2) What do you like about what you do?

With my current job I am blessed to have many of my favorite things rolled into every day of the work week—buuteeq combines my passion for travel, technology, and starting companies and working with great people. This is not by accident: I founded buuteeq because I wanted just such a combination, and am very happy to say that things are playing out to plan so far.

3) What don’t you like about what you do?

Well, up until a few weeks ago I would have told you that I hate having to spend so much time raising money for my business, because I spent a good part of the first half of 2011 raising cash for buuteeq so we could expand our sales organization to better sell buuteeq to hotels in far flung parts of the world—raising money is very time consuming and takes time away from actually running the business and looking after hotel customers’ needs. However, as of May we actually completed a $3.5m round of funding, and are now all set to get back to 100% focus on our actual business.
Salar de Uyuni Landscape in Bolivia at 15,000 ft

4) Please tell us all about your blog and your aims with it.

buuteeq’s blog aims to elaborate on digital and online marketing subjects that are intimidating and confusing to hotel owners. A lot of our blog of course will mention our product and service and how we specifically address digital marketing for hotels, but we know that to write a great blog we have to rise above pure “commercial-tainment” content, and I’m proud of the articles that we’ve been producing that cover subjects of Hotel SEO, Google Places, The Evils of Flash (for hotel websites), and other content that we can help the community to understand given our strong technical expertise in these areas.

5) Your top 3 destination experiences you’ve ever stayed to date and why?

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. This dry salt lake at 14,000+ ft (4000+ meters) of elevation is just incredibly beautiful—the horizon is filled with volcanoes, the sky is bluer than blue, and the white salt that pervades the ground forms an incredible image that is surreal and unique in my travel experiences. The 2-3 day jeep tour of the Altiplano, which covers the Salar itself as well as several amazing lakes that are dotted with pink flamingos and alpaca/llamas, is definitely at the top of my travel experiences.

Ranakpur Jain Temple, Rajastan, India. This Jain temple is the most beautiful temple of worship that I have seen—better than any Catholic church in Europe for sure. 100s of granite columns sustain this multi-story building, which you can traverse in your socks (no shoes allowed) while you contemplate the architecture and listen to the prayers from the many pilgrims. Great photographs are impossible to miss, so many lovely angles including those in the minds eye!

Anapurna trek, Himmalayas, Nepal. When I was just out of college I did a 3 week trek in the Himmalayas, “around Anapurna” route, which was such an indulgence! At the time I of course naively thought that being able to take that much time off to just hike in the mountains and stay at tea-houses would be a common occurrence in life—then adult responsibilities such as work and family intervened and I have yet to replicate the experience. I hope to make my boys back to this magical part of the world to complete the trek together once they are old enough for the rigorous hiking.

Huangshang (Yellow Mountain). Sorry, couldn’t pick just 3. Yellow Mountain is a super well known and developed national park for Chinese locals, but foreigners are clueless as to this wonderful playground of amazing paths built into the impressive vertical mountains. My wife and I did a 8 hour hike that was up and down and around the most amazing staircases, really something to be seen to be believed!
Forest Key at the Jain temple of Ranakpur (Rajastan-India)1993

6) Your top 3 accommodations you’ve ever stayed to date and why?

LiAn Lodge, Guilin, China. This exotic lodge was the inspiration for my new business—the most beautiful hotel/location-for-a-hotel, with what was formerly a really bad website to market the property (the hotel now has a great website!) The 4 story building is built using traditional Chinese construction (no nails, just tongue and groove assembly of interconnecting timber!), and the views and sounds of nature at night are unsurpassed in my many years of travelling. It is not the most luxurious, or opulent—but the combination of classy design and amazing location make it the most unique.

Park Hyatt Seoul South Korea. This hotel is my favorite “traditional brand hotel”—the design of the rooms, especially the lovely bathrooms with rain showers and floor to ceiling windows out on the city, kept me coming back every few months during my two years living in Asia and working for Microsoft. I’ve shared this hotel with many friends who are passionate about design and architecture and we all agree, this is one very special hotel!

Elquimista Cabins, Valle del Elqui, Chile. I have to call this hotel one of my favorites because my family and I rented one of their cabins for 3 months and lived in the charming town of Pisco Elqui while I wrote the business plan for buuteeq. This town is in the middle of the Andes Mountains, near the Rio Claro valley which is home to wine and table grape producing farms that are surrounded by the drier than bone hills of the desert that surrounds the valley. A truly magical place on earth, and these 4 unique eco-cabins and the lovely proprietors were a wonderful place for my family and I to gaze at the valley from our porch and at the southern stars in the evenings.

7) Your top 3 most memorable food / wine experiences to date and why?

French Laundry, Yontsville. Took 5 years to get a reservation, amazing meal (my wife got sick—too much rich/cream, she doesn’t like French food in general)—but just the build up to the experience and the 5 bottle of wine that our party of 4 consumed during our 3 hour meal… very memorable!

Los Ceviches, Lima Peru. I love ceviche (fish and other critters from the sea, marinated in lemon juice), and when in Lima, this chain of cevicherias is a no brainer choice for huge plates of fresh, spicy, delicious ceviche.

Jin Din Xuan, Beijing China. Beijing has such amazing food choices, but this low-rent chain of dim-sum and “late night party food” has the best dish I’ve ever eaten, the “ranmien” noodles—basic noodles drenched in the spiciest “ma-la” hot sauce that you’ll ever want to eat. The mellow spiciness starts off warm in your mouth and will stay with you for 24hrs in your belly!

8) Your 3 worst destination/ accommodation /food experiences to date and why?

I don’t usually care to remember bad food or hotel accommodations, as I aim to cleanse myself as quickly as possible and move on. However, on thinking of this the first that immediately came to mind was the horrible meal and experience we had at Che Pannise, in Berkley California USA. This purportedly amazing restaurant was a bust for us—our friend who had travelled to San Francisco specifically to eat at this restaurant (she is a foodie) was heartbroken when her “vegetarian” option consisted of a plate of spaghetti with butter on it (I’m not kidding, that’s literally what she was given) as a main course! As for bad hotels—any hotel in Las Vegas, I’ve been to most of them on the strip, and they are all just horrible. No matter how shinny and new they are, Las Vegas hotels are just without souls.
Eco Isis House of Elquimista Cabins-in-Chile

9) Can you offer the readers 3 destination/ food / accommodation / things to do tips about the city you are currently living in?

In Seattle, the best breakfast in town is at Lola’s (famous chef owner, lunch and dinner are fine, but the breakfast is really remarkably good!), if you like oysters (and I do!) try The Walrus and the Carpenter which is a hot new place in seattle’s most fun walk-able old neighborhood (Ballard), and my favorite of the current batch of “mobile truck restaurants” (whereby the restaurant is in the back of a trailor truck, and parked in different neighborhoods from time to time) is the Rancho Bravo Taco Truck which has yummy Mexican fare. As for hotels, as with most locals, I know almost nothing about my local hotel market because I never stay in them nor do my friends and family (who stay with us)—however, I do know a few B&Bs that are both customers of buuteeq, and places that our employees frequently stay: the Bacon Mansion Bed and Breakfast, Bed and Breakfast on Broadway, and right near my house (and lovely views of Greenlake), the Greenlake Bed and Breakfast.

10) Any Question(s) you’d expected me to ask that you would like to answer?

I’m surprised you didn’t ask me what my favorite hotel/restaurant/city/etc. in Holland is?! My wife and I love Amsterdam and have been there 5+ times for vacations and business trips. I was there most recently with Microsoft for a team off site — we had the most fun doing various team activities in the city, including a night of cooking as a team (at a cooking school) which was a great morale event. The hotel we stayed in was crummy/mediocre, but it was right near the Anne Frank House in a great old neighborhood full of character.

My Take

A pleasure to meet you, @Forest, and an impressive result with your @buuteeq funding!

I noticed you lived 3 months in an adobe in Chile and couldn’t resist to pinch one of their photos. Adobe as eco building material has my special interest.