This will prove you wrong if you believed everything has been invented already:
In July 2005, under the motto “Book a Pipe Dream”, Austrian Andreas Strauss has set up Das Parkhotel/ Andi’s Place (the Park Hotel) in a park in Ottensheim, on the Danube river border, near Linz, Austria. It is only open in Summer and operates under the Pay as you wish principle: You are asked to leave as much money as you want to pay for the place. No Bad room, minibar or toilet available: You are asked to make use of publicly available toilets a couple of yards to the left or to the right and of the mini bar of a gas station in the neighborhood. Reservations via the website where you get an access code for the electronic lock.
Source: Times Online
Update: After discovering the term Notel I’ve added this post to the Notel Category.
Last edited by GJE on March 30, 2011