According to the Hague City edition of the Dutch Paper AD (stands for Algemeen Dagblad or Daily General) a nine room hotel is in the process of being developed by a temporary association of artists Optrek, which accompanies the total redesign of the The Hague Transvaal Quarter. The hotel will have rooms with star rating varying from 1 to 5 stars. The concept is from Ral2005.
The key can be picked up at the local cigar shop. It is the question how long it will last, because the cigar shop must disappear because of the demolition of the shop which is anticipated shortly. In addition the couple who manages the shop, wants to stop with the shop. In the weekend of 25 and 26 June there will be a trial run.
Postscript 28 June 2006:
According to an article in the AD of last Monday it was only intended to open the Hotel just for one night..to attract public attention for the rebuilding of the Transvaal Quarter and sponsors to further the development of the hotel….