Hotel Reviews – Travel Intelligence

More and more people tend to book via Internet and more and more word of mouth will help the lonely traveler behind the computer screen to get an idea of where he might go.

Therefor sites with more or less independent hotel reviews will attract more and more attention.

The site Weekend Hotel takes care of this with respect to smaller independent hotels in The etherlands and Belgium.

Hoteldesign (UK) was created by Patrick Goff, who had a lot of experience with hotel design. The site is financed by ads from hotel suppliers and provides a lot of useful content by extensive reporting of various hotels and their design.

Travel Intelligence

Update August 2016:

Patrick Goff has sold his site. It is more or less the same, but many reviews have disappeared from the site since.

Travel intelligence used to be a site with a heap of professionally written hotel reviews. It was very reliable and it is a pity that it has lost this in the internet dungeons when it was sold to (I don’t know, but you end up in a site of travel zoo, which seems to be what its name indicates: A Zoo.


Christian Zuzunaga Pixelated Bed


Hotel chains are developing their own beds. Some are for sale at the hotel.

Update: Added the photo of the pixelated bed by Christian Zuzunaga